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CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department Profile: Design ? Build ? Preserve

Conservation and Restauration (MA)

Studierende arbeitet an einer Modellmauer auf dem Campus
? Jeannie Darlene K?ppe

The master's programme in Conservation and Restauration, which builds on the Bachelor's programme, offers three fields of study that differ in terms of material and technological specifics: wood, stone and mural painting. The programmatic focus of the course is on training for Conservation and Restauration in the field of architectural monument preservation, but also includes the museum sector.

Master of Arts
Full time
Course language:
Standard study period:

3 semesters

Start of study:
Summer semester
Application deadline:

15/01 – 10/03 (free of admission)

Admission requirements:
First professional university degree

90 ECTS credits

Module Manuals & Regulations

Deepening of a specialisation


Eine Person setzt Mosaiksteine in einer Werkstatt der Konservierung und Restaurierung

The master's programme in Conservation and Restauration builds on the practically and theoretically oriented bachelor's programme of the same name. The predominantly application-oriented study programme serves to deepen and upgrade qualifications for an independent and competent performance of all tasks in the profession. During your studies, you will have the opportunity to deepen your skills and competences in order to specialise in one or more of the "classical" subject areas or to develop new fields of activity. In this way, you will be qualified for managerial positions.

Right from the start, you decide on one of the three specialisations offered: wood, stone or mural painting. The training is interdisciplinary. In addition to a master's seminar, this becomes clear in the broad range of elective subjects on building conservation and building analysis. The master's degree in Conservation and Restauration enables you to further deepen your knowledge in a specialisation area as well as to expand your education across materials.

In the master's programme you will learn and acquire the following competences:

  • Drawing up complex conservation and restauration concepts using scientific methods
  • Planning, management and organisation of conservation and restauration facilities and projects
  • Independent scientific work in art technology, conservation and restauration research
  • Consultancy, assessment and public relations work in the field of conservation, restauration and prevention
  • Interdisciplinary and international cooperation skills
  • Profiling in one or more special fields or interdisciplinary areas

Fields of study


In the field of study "Wood", small objects, furniture and other pieces of equipment made of wood, whose surfaces can be refined with marquetry, stains, coatings and decorative paintings, are generally examined and processed. The master's programme focuses on building-related room elements, such as wood panelling on walls and ceilings, wooden floors, windows, doors, stairs, chairs and wooden constructions on historical buildings.


The focus of the "Stone" field of study is the classical field of natural stone in the sense of sculpture and building. Other focal points are the regionally significant materials brick and terracotta, but also "artificial stone" such as reinforced concrete sculptures as well as the coloured setting on all these materials.

Wall painting

In addition to the defined areas of wall and ceiling painting on inorganic substrates, the "Mural Painting" field of study includes the identification of historical architectural colour schemes in interior and exterior areas. The subjects of mosaics and stucco complement the subject matter.

Is this degree programme right for me?

If you have a theoretical and practical command of the basics of conservation and restauration of objects in a specialised field, the degree programme is the ideal way to deepen your knowledge.

You bring these qualities with you

  • Creativity in the search for solutions to complex problems in conservation and restauration
  • Interest in historical and modern techniques
  • interest in topics related to the preservation of historical monuments and in interdisciplinary cooperation
  • A strong interest in the professional preservation and maintenance of our cultural heritage advanced knowledge of foreign languages

Podcast of the Campus Specialists

As campus specialists, Anne and Silja share insider knowledge about the degree programme Conservation and Restauration. In addition to tips and information about the degree programme, they provide insights into student life at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Social media

Unsure? On the social media channels of the degree programme Conservation and Restauration you can get further insights into the degree programme.




The colleagues at the student counselling service provide information to prospective students, first-year students, parents, teachers and students on all general questions about studying. Do you have questions about the wood, stone and mural painting courses of the master's degree programme Conservation and Restauration? Take advantage of the counselling appointments of our subject counsellors:

Registration for a general counselling appointment for the degree programme: or +49 331 580-4202
Please be sure to include your own telephone number so that you can be notified in the event of a rescheduled appointment.

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Room 102

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Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Wood

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Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Stone

Subject Counselling bob体育平台官网 Mural Painting

Workshop Manager Conservation and Restoration – Mural Painting
Career Prospects

Career Prospects

Possible areas of application

  • Institutions such as museums, heritage offices, universities
  • Restauration companies
  • Freelance work, collaboration in conservator associations
  • Self-employment: founding a workshop

Scientific career

The master of arts degree entitles the holder to take up doctoral studies.

Insights into the world of work

What comes after graduation? Graduates from the degree programme Conservation and Restauration give insights into their working world.

  • Studentin bei der Restaurierung eines Geb?udes
    ? Lis Mette Eggers

    Before I start restoring an object, I read up on it carefully and find out: How was it made? What is special about the era it comes from? Are there any high-quality historical photographs? [...] The job is a bit like detective work. It never gets boring, because every new object raises a new question.

    Lis Mette Eggers
Study Content

Course of studies

The standard period of study for the full-time programme Conservation and Restauration (MA) is three semesters and concludes with a master of arts degree. You will find a detailed overview in the study plan.

Semester 1 – 2 Compulsory subjects, elective subjects, flex module
Semester 3Master's colloquium, Master's thesis

The programme consists of subjects in conservation and restauration sciences, the humanities and natural sciences, as well as a wide range of special topics. The compulsory and elective modules are completed in the first two semesters of study, followed by the master's thesis and defence in the third semester.

Study content

The high weighting of the theoretical study content is counterbalanced by a correspondingly large proportion of restauration practice. Beyond the basics, the aim here is to give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in a practice-oriented or research-oriented manner.

In the currently valid module handbooks, study and examination regulations and statutes of the degree programme, you will find the module overview, a detailed description of the modules and study contents, the study schedule as well as the statutes for the implementation of the selection procedure for the degree programme Conservation and Restauration.

Teaching formats

  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Exercises
  • Project work
  • Excursions

Compulsory subjects

  • Practical course in natural sciences
  • Special topics in art history
  • Master projects in conservation and research
  • Master's seminar
  • Historical source writings
  • Excursion
  • Monument management

Elective subjects

  • Building history of the 20th century
  • Management competence
  • Foreign language
  • Fire protection in existing buildings
  • Development of building construction
  • Clay in historical buildings
  • Durability of building materials
  • Influence of building physics on construction
  • Special scientific analysis
  • Special topics in art history
  • Building diagnostics
  • Wood biology and integrated wood preservation
  • Assessment and repair of brickwork
  • Introduction to archival science
  • Cultural-historical evaluation of architectural monuments

Natural Sciences & Design


Studierende der Konservierung bei der Mikroskopie

The field of natural sciences in conservation imparts the basic knowledge of natural sciences with regard to conservation and restauration technologies. In addition, it supports and accompanies the subjects from the field of conservation and restauration in the various fields of study. In addition to its own laboratories on the campus of the University of Applied Sciences, further laboratories with high-quality equipment are available for training and research as a result of cooperation with the natural science laboratories of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation, the Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments and the Archaeological Museum in Wünsdorf, the Institute for Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University in Potsdam and the Rathgen Research Laboratory in Berlin.

Contact: Prof. Dr Steffen Laue, Christine Fuchs


Eine Studentin vergoldet ein gemaltes Bild einer Frau

In the first semesters, the programme includes design courses in drawing, painting and sculpture. These seminars"Fundamentals of Design I and II" are exercises for acquiring aesthetic and conceptual knowledge, which should lead to visual and haptic sensitisation, formal understanding, craftsmanship and an understanding of design processes. In these exercises, students develop template narratives that flow into the arts and crafts task areas such as stucco marble design, historical imitation wood painting and fresco wall design.

Contact: Ioannis Savvidis

Logo der Konservierung und Restaurierung mit den vier Studienrichtungen Holz, Stein, Metall, Wandmalerei

In study

On the pages of the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE department you will find further useful information and documents on the degree programme, for example on the organisation of studies, the course catalogue and examination matters. In addition, current projects from the fields of study are presented there.


More projects

Interdisciplinary at the Monument

Transfer, innovative methods and research-based learning in practical projects for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan

Natural Sciences | Environmental Degradation of Synthetic Conservation and Restoration Materials

Acquisition – model conservation and restoration on selected examples – digital knowledge transfer

Natural Sciences | Thermal Analysis of Historical and Modern Building Materials

Modern thermoanalytical methods are used to analyse and research both historical and modern building materials, plastics and building material recycling. In addition, the measuring system is suitable for the targeted development of new modern materials.

  • Portrait von Student Toni Lorenz
    ? Andrea Vollmer

    During our studies, we learn how to act as ‘doctors of cultural heritage’ by carefully analysing the historical substance, recording its condition and developing targeted restoration measures. With expertise in materials technology and an analytical eye, we preserve cultural artefacts for future generations. We see ourselves as ‘advocates of cultural heritage’ and are committed to its preservation.

    Conservation and Restauration (MA)
  • Portrait von Studentin Désirée Kosel
    ? Andrea Vollmer

    Studying Conservation and Restauration at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam combines science, art history and ethical responsibility. As a student, I dedicate myself to the preservation of wooden objects and furniture, thus preserving material substance and cultural values. Potsdam, with its numerous historical buildings and collections, offers ideal conditions for excursions and practical learning. The interdisciplinary approach and the combination of theory and practice make studying at the FHP particularly enriching for me.

    Conservation and Restauration (MA)
Application & Contact

Dates & requirements for your application

The most important deadlines, dates and admission requirements for the master's programme in Conservation and Restauration are compiled here. You can find out which steps you need to take for a successful application in the next section.


  • by 10 March: submit enrolment application

Access requirements

  • First professional university degree (210 ECTS credits, at least 180 ECTS credits) in Conservation and Restauration or university degree that prepares you in a comparable way for the master's programme.

This is how you apply!

Do you meet the admission requirements? Then you have the opportunity to submit an enrolment application for the summer semester from the 15th of January to the 10th of March on the MyCampus university portal of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Once you have submitted your online application for enrolment, submit the completed application, printed and signed, together with all required documents in paper form. The date of receipt at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is decisive.

Documents to be submitted

  • University degree certificate(s) or current transcript of records with the ECTS credit points earned to date and the grade earned to date, if the degree programme has not yet been completed.
  • Proof of health insurance from the statutory health insurance for students or proof of exemption from the statutory insurance obligation via the electronic student registration procedure
  • Payment slip/confirmation of payment of the semester contribution and, if applicable, other fees
  • Certificate of exmatriculation from the last university attended, if applicable
  • Photo for the issue of the Campus.Card

Please refer to the enrolment application form to find out whether you need to submit any additional documents.

Additional coursework and examinations to be taken

After enrolment, the examination board of the Conservation and Restauration programme decides on the type and scope of additional coursework and examinations to be taken for a degree with less than 210 ECTS credits.

Do you have questions about the enrolment procedure at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? We have compiled frequently asked questions and answers about enrolment and admission.

Further information

The following links provide you, and especially international applicants, with further information on the topics of application and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

International applicants

You would like to apply for studies from the first or a higher semester and have acquired your school-leaving qualification and/or university degree abroad? Then you can have degrees and achievements acquired abroad recognised and study with us.

Application and enrolment procedure

The application and study service provides information and advice on general questions regarding the application process, admission and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, application for a higher semester, but also on topics such as compensation for disadvantages, part-time studies, waiting semesters and hardship applications.

Contact & bob体育平台官网s

The student counselling service provides information and advice on general questions about studying as well as on topics such as choosing a degree programme, application, enrolment and study organisation.

For subject-specific questions on module content, credit transfer, examinations or study focus in the Master's programme in Conservation and Restauration, the subject counselling service is the right place to go.

Subject Counselling bob体育平台官网 Wood

Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Wood

Subject Counselling bob体育平台官网 Stone

Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Stone

Subject Counselling bob体育平台官网 Mural Painting

Workshop Manager Conservation and Restoration – Mural Painting

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Room 102

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Room 014

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Student Financing

Room 3.02a

Family Affairs Commissioner

Room 026

Office hours

Tue and Thu 9.30 am – 1.30 pm

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement

Contact Persons Department of Student Affairs

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