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IFMB2 - International Professionals for the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region

Promoting international talent for integration into studies and the labour market

? Illustrationen: Thomas Manig
Cooperation project
Digital Transformation – Urban Futures
Forming Society
Design ? Build ? Preserve
Organisational Unit:
FIT - Promotion of international talents for integration into studies and the labour market - Funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF )


The project "IFMB2 - International Professionals for the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region" aims to create the structures and networks at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences that are necessary to support international students more successfully during their studies and to integrate international graduates into the German labour market in the long term, with a focus on the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region.


Aims of the IFMB2 project: promoting a welcoming culture, supporting student success, improving professional integration, developing an online seminar on German work culture and establishing a cross-university network for career services


Welcome projects "StuRa says Hi!"

The student-led project "StuRa says Hi!" strengthens the welcoming culture for international students in the various faculties. At the beginning of each winter semester, the Student Council (StuRa) organises a variety of exchange and get-to-know-you formats to better connect international students.

Specialised language courses and specialised courses on culturally sensitive scientific work

Our study-related specialised courses support international students in successfully completing their studies. They promote the acquisition of subject-specific language and methodological skills. The aim is to consolidate specialised vocabulary and deepen academic working methods.

Workshops on the topic of "Culturally sensitive collaboration and cooperation" for various FHP stakeholders

Our workshops promote intercultural exchange at the FHP. Students, lecturers and administrative staff receive practical impulses for successful cooperation and communication. The aim is to better understand cultural differences and strengthen cooperation.

Development of an online seminar on the topic of "Multiple Perspectives on German Work Culture"

Together with students, we are developing an online seminar entitled "Multiple Perspectives of German Working Culture" - in an open, participatory process. The seminar will be made available as an Open Educational Resource (OER) and is intended to make it easier for international students to start their studies and enter the German labour market.

Workshops on improving application documents, social media and web presences

Through practical exercises and feedback from experienced experts, international students receive valuable support in optimising their application documents as well as their social media and web presence for internships and career entry. The aim is to strengthen individual visibility and develop professional application strategies.

Alumni Talks and Alumni Shadowings

The Alumni Talks offer international students insights into career paths and application strategies through lectures and discussions with graduates. During alumni shadowing, students accompany an alumna*us in the workplace for a day and share their experiences in a report and video.

Study-related lecture series on intercultural competences in professional practice

The lecture series, which is open to the public, focuses on intercultural challenges in professional practice. Experts, alumni and company representatives shed light on cultural, economic and political aspects with the aim of improving exchange and preparing international students for the labour market.

Panel discussions and interdisciplinary conferences on the integration of international students in the Berlin-Brandenburg labour market

Our panel discussions and conferences bring together representatives from universities, business and politics to promote the integration of international graduates into the labour market. Future skills, job profiles and higher education are discussed and strategies for better supporting international students and alumni are reflected upon.

Project Management

Professor for Visual Interface Design

Project Coordination

IFMB2 Project Coordinator
Study Journey International Students
IFMB2 Project Coordinator- Career Entry International Students
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