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Design Studio Spaces

Abformung als Vorbereitung für den Zweitguss per Hand
? Ioannis Savvidis

The rooms of the design studio are the haven of a liberation of the mind and the trial-oriented learning of techniques and materials. They are primarily intended for creative and practice-oriented seminars and are run jointly by the restoration and architecture departments.

Insights into the design studio spaces

Equipment & Use

Whether for nude drawing, painting, or for exercises on materials such as plaster, clay or wood, everything can easily take place in the design studio rooms - at any time of the year, at any time of day. Sometimes work is done standing at easels, and then again at individual tables, or at large, assembled work areas.

In the rooms of the design studio, the following course-relevant topics and exercises are the focus of the work:

  • Basics of design I (drawing) and II (polychromy)
  • Basics of sculptural design
  • Fresco
  • Wood imitation painting
  • Stucco marble
  • Moulding
  • Colour theory
  • Ark drawing

The spacious studio rooms are especially equipped for art and craft seminars. Depending on requirements, the rooms can be used individually, separately from each other, or as a shared large design space. The rooms can accommodate up to 24 people each and can be used flexibly.


Opening hours

  • relevant to the course



Design Teacher for the Conservation and Restoration Degree Programme