Computer Labs of the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department

In the computer labs of the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE department, a total of 34 iMAC workstations with the latest software are available to students.
- House A/Room 318 (computer lab of the cultural work programme)
- House A/Room 319 (CAD Lab)
Opening hours
- daily from 8.00 am – 08.00 pm
- 17 iMac Computer with Apple Silicon Processor (ARM)
- ArchiCAD - current versions
- AutoCAD - current version
- Adobe Creative Cloud - current versions (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat Pro, Lightroom, Premiere)
- Microsoft Office - current version
- Cinema 4D Rel. 16
IT Administrator
EDP/System Technician for CAD Lab, Plotter Room and Department