Extension of a WBS 70 building
In Potsdam am Schlaatz, an area that was newly developed at the end of the 1970s and into which the first residents moved in 1985, additional living space is to be created through redensification measures and additional storeys. The following wishes of those involved in the planning process were incorporated into the planning process and resulted in a number of conflicting objectives.

The aim of this project is to investigate whether and with which structural measures the addition of a storey to a prefabricated block of flats from the 70 housing series in Potsdam's district Schlaatz is a sensible and feasible option. The redensification measure should effectively meet the demand for affordable housing and at the same time promote urban integration and ecological sustainability.
Firstly, the existing building and its history will be analysed in order to develop a concept that responds to current needs and the property's surroundings. New access options will be developed that strengthen the neighbourhood through a lively courtyard situation and diverse meeting places and ensure accessibility both in the extension and in the existing building. The current existing situation is characterised by a lack of family-friendly flat sizes and flexible living space. Conversion measures are therefore being planned for the existing building and variations to the residential units are being integrated into the floor plans of the extension. The addition of two storeys also leads to an increase in the load and thus causes stability problems in the existing building. In order to meet this challenge, strengthening options for the foundations are shown and discussed.
The work shows problems in dealing with the almost 40-year-old existing building and proposes solutions in the areas of load-bearing structure, fire protection and energy efficiency. The study and the concept proposal are intended to serve as a reference for the other prefabricated buildings in the district and reduce the planning effort for future construction projects.
Project participants
1st Reviewer
2nd Reviewer
Dr. Johannes Sollich, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Master's graduates
Jannes Gugger
Oliver Huhn
Dipl.-Ing. Bj?rn Kunze
Dipl.-Ing. Finn Esben Schmid-Bonde