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Open Courses to Get to Know Each Other on the 3rd and 4th of June

On the 3rd and 4th of June, you will have the opportunity to attend various courses at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences before the Info Day on the 5th of June.

The lectures on Monday and Tuesday will give you an initial insight into the wide range of study options. On the following info day on the 5th of June, the Department of Social and Educational Sciences will present itself and its focus areas in detail and answer your questions about studying.

  • Trial courses on Monday, 3rd of June 2024
  • Trial courses on Tuesday, 4th of June 2024

Prior registration is not required. Just drop by!

Target audience: Prospective students

03/06/2024, 10.15 am – 4.00 pm

Trial courses on Monday

Bachelor degree Social Work 

The workshops (special seminar format) for the 1st and 2nd semesters start at 10.15 am:

  • Workshop 1: Educational support, children's rights and participation in youth welfare 
    Matthias Schreckenbach, Gregor Mosblech
    House 5/Room 1.02
  • Workshop 3: Was there something? Corona and the consequences
    Prof. Dr. Bernd-Udo Rinas
    House 3/Room 1.02
  • Workshop 4: Right-wing extremism as a field of action for social work
    Patrick Weinz
    House 3/Room 0.12
  • Workshop 5: Sexism & sexualised violence in institutional contexts
    Prof. Dr. Friederike Lorenz-Sinai
    House 5/Room 0.24
  • Workshop 6: What to do with the youth? The tension between right and wrong
    Sylvia Swierkowski
    House 3/Room 0.08
  • Workshop 7: Biography work in social work
    Filipe Martins Antunes, Prof. Dr Karin Borck
    House 5/Room 1.01

Bachelor's degree programme in Childhood Education

  • 10.15 am | Concepts of Elementary Education
    Prof. Dr. Annette Dreier
    Main Building/Room 1.24
  • 12.30 pm | Social Science Theories & Psychoanalytical Concepts
    Prof. Dr. Lalenia Zizek
    House 3/Room 1.08
  • 2.30 pm | Group work on education and upbringing in childhood
    Robert Fischbach
    House 2/Room 0.14
Location: Campus

04/06/2024, 10.15 am – 4.00 pm

Trial courses on Tuesday

Bachelor degree Social Work

  • 10.15 am | Lecture on social policy benefit systems
    Prof. Dr. Arne von Boetticher
    Main building/Room 1.08

Bachelor of Education and Childhood Education programme

  • 12.30 pm | Psychoanalytical developmental psychology
    Bettina Kupfer
    House 2/Room 0.14

Master's programme in Early Childhood Education Research

  • 10.15 – 11.45 am | Literature colloquium "Pedagogical Interaction and Participation"
    Prof. Dr. Frauke Hildebrandt, Dr. Caroline Wronski (House 1/Room 1.12) or 
    with Prof. Dr. Gerlind Gro?e (House 3/Room 1.03)
  • 12.30 – 2.00 pm | Research colloquium "Pedagogical Interaction and Participation"
    Dr. Caroline Wronski, Prof. Dr. Frauke Hildebrandt
    House A/Room 0.01
  • 12.30 – 2.00 pm | Research Colloquium Practice Development & Transfer
    Prof. Dr. Gerlind Gro?e
    House 4/Room 1.02
  • 2.30 – 4.00 pm | Current Research Discourses
    Dr. Caroline Wronski
    House 3/Room 102
Location: Campus


Social and Educational Sciences Department

Room 105