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zwei bemalte Kinderh?nde vor Tischplatte mit Aquarellfarben, Malpapier und Pinseln

The further education programme "Kita Management Intensive" deals in a compact form with essential topics of the management of daycare centres. Against the background of current social, pedagogical and educational policy developments, the participants reflect on their own management activities and deepen their competences. The further training is a supplementary qualification in the sense of § 11 of the Brandenburg daycare personnel ordinance.

15/04 – 20/09/2024
Registration no longer possible
Registration end:
Certificate Course
University certificate

8 ECTS credits


Completed studies or vocational training and relevant professional experience

Participation fee:

2,150 Euro

Educational leave:

Recognised in Brandenburg and Berlin

At a glance


In three compact block weeks, theoretical basics are taught in various modules and deepened through group work, practical exercises on case studies and the participants' own contributions. In total, the attendance portion amounts to 128 hours. In addition, there is a self-study component of 32 hours. The course can only be taken as a complete programme.

Aims of the training

The further training aims to support educators and social pedagogues who already have a leading function in a child day care centre by providing practical knowledge, methods and instruments to help them cope with their leadership and management tasks.

Target group

The further training is aimed at people who already have management experience in a day care centre or a related institution. The prerequisite for participation in this further training is a completed degree or vocational training and relevant professional experience.


Lecturers from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and proven experts in the field


A participation fee (VAT-exempt) is payable for the advanced training course Kita-Leitung Intensiv. Graduates of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam receive a 5 % reduction.

In principle, the further education programme is eligible for funding from the state of Brandenburg. We also recommend that interested parties from other federal states find out about the education premium programme before attending. It is also recognised as educational leave in Berlin and Brandenburg. We recommend that interested parties from other federal states seek advice from the relevant ministry of education before applying for educational leave.


For binding registration, please send us the signed registration form. After verification, places will be allocated according to the date of receipt.

I took away a lot of practical information that can be put into practice immediately.

Feedback from the training
June 2022


  • Basic concepts of business administration
  • Costs and financing models
  • Source of funding and fundraising

  • Family law
  • Kita law
  • Child protection
  • Social Code (SGB) VIII

  • Family law
  • Kita law
  • Child protection
  • Social Code (SGB) VIII

  • Part 1: Development of a contemporary understanding of education as a management task
  • Part 2: Concept development and quality management
  • Part 3: Management and communication

Dates & Schedule

Seminar times
9.30 am - 5.00 pm

128 hours of attendance and 32 hours of self-study (certificate of achievement)

Module 1   15 - 16/04/2024
Module 2   17 - 19/04/2024
Module 3 Part 1 27 - 29/05/2024
  Part 2 30 - 31/05/2024
  Part 3 24 - 28/06/2024
Module 4   20/09/2024

Dates & Schedule

Seminar times
9.30 am - 5.00 pm

128 hours of attendance and 32 hours of self-study (certificate of achievement)

Module 1   15 - 16/04/2024
Module 2   17 - 19/04/2024
Module 3 Part 1 27 - 29/05/2024
  Part 2 30 - 31/05/2024
  Part 3 24 - 28/06/2024
Module 4   20/09/2024


Registration & Information