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Projects of the Civil Engineering Department

Degree programme

    Measuring Equipment for Fast Electrical Recording of Mechanical, Climatic Parameters in Mobile and Stationary Use

    With the measurement technology equipment procured in this ERDF project from the InfraFEI 2021 funding programme, building reactions can be recorded, evaluated, analysed, assessed and findings derived.

    Ansicht des Küster- und Pfarrwitwenhauses in Nehringen

    The Sexton's and Parish Widow's House in Nehringen

    The aim of the work was to record the state of preservation and the original construction phase as well as to develop a concept for the permanent preservation of the building.

    Gezeichnete Pl?ne mit verschiedenen Ansichten der L?wen-Adler-Kaserne in Elstal

    The L?wen-Adler Barracks in Elstal

    Conversion concepts for the main building of the L?wen-Adler barracks in Elstal

    Ansicht von Nord-Osten

    Renovation and Extension Concept for the Friedensstadt School Building

    Renovation and extension concept with the aim of re-use for the listed school building of the Friedensstadt Wei?enberg in Glau

    Virtuelle Ansicht von der Nutzung des Scheunendachbodens für Yoga-Kurse

    Suono – Meeting Space in the Oderbruch Region

    Building survey and conversion of the "Wolffs Mühle" drive-through barn in Oderberg

    Ansicht der Wasserburg in Fürstenberg/Havel

    The Moated Castle in Fürstenberg/Havel

    Development of a utilisation concept for the moated castle in Fürstenberg/Havel building survey, utilisation concept and economic feasibility study

    Haus 1 der Fachhochschule Potsdam

    Analysis of House 1 of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    Analysis of the energy demand and CO2 emissions of a refurbishment property taking into account sustainability criteria and thermal bridge calculations

    Schülerinnen sitzen mit Werkzeugen und Bauhelmen ausgestattet in einer Werkstatt der FH Potsdam

    StudiPortal Brandenburg

    The StudiPortal Brandenburg project is funded by the Ministry of Economics, Research and Culture and aims to strategically combine the online and on-site services of eight higher education institutions in Brandenburg in order to increase the visibility of the study programmes on offer at national and international level.

    Hauptfront, Bauphase 1904

    Design Concept for Villa Gerstenberg in Accordance with the Preservation Order

    Conceptual consideration and development in the conversion and refurbishment of listed villas in the Berlin area using the example of Villa Gerstenberg

    CCRBF: Expansion of the Indo-German Centre of Excellence for Riparian Filtration; Subproject D: Concept for the Construction and Operation of Planted Soil Filters in India

    CONNECT Education-Research-Innovation, a funding area of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, supports the development of a German-Indian Competence Centre for Riverbank Filtration as part of the "CCRBF" project.

    Schülerinnen sitzen mit Werkzeugen und Bauhelmen ausgestattet in einer Werkstatt der FH Potsdam

    New Ways into the FH;P – Summer School and Study-Related Courses

    "Neue Wege in die FH;P" is a pilot project of the Department of Civil Engineering funded by the Ministry of Economics, Research and Culture from the European Social Fund, which is divided into the two sub-projects summer school and study-accompanying courses.

    Druckfestigungsprüfung an einem M?rtelprism

    Reduction of Water Vapour Sorption of Clay Plasters through Stabilising Agents

    The influence of stabilising agents on the water vapour sorption of earthen building materials was investigated on a trial basis as part of the master's thesis.