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Profile: Design ? Build ? Preserve

MEng Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings

Teil eines restaurierungsbedürftigen Geb?udes mit Holzbalken als Stütze

Construction Work on Existing Buildings currently accounts for about half of the total construction volume in our society - and the trend is rising. The demand for experts in the fields of building preservation, renovation and restoration is therefore constantly increasing.
The concept for the Master's program in Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings is conceptually a consecutive Master's program for already trained civil engineers, architects and related professionals.

Master of Engineering
Full time
Part time
Course language:
Standard study period:
Full-time: 3 or 4 semesters/ Part-time: at least 4 or 5 semesters, part-time
Start of study:
Summer semester
Application deadline:
15.12. – 15.02. (admission restricted)
Admission requirements:
First professional degree (bachelor or diploma)
90 ECTS credits
Module Manuals & Regulations
The Study
Einblick ins Labor Bauingnieurwesen
? Michaela Meier

Responsible handling of existing building fabric

The degree program in  Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings provides you with knowledge of historical building structures and materials and focuses in particular on the technical aspects of building conservation. You will work in the context of building preservation: the recording, recognition, preservation and upgrading of buildings. The master's degree will sensitize you to the responsible treatment of existing building fabric in the area of tension between the objectives of monument preservation and modern requirements of use. The study structure and project work with mixed teams of civil engineers and architects promote the teamwork and communication skills necessary for these tasks. The objects of study are buildings, engineering structures and technical installations – mainly from the period from around 1800 to the present day, but also medieval buildings. The technical area is supplemented by topics from the fields of economics and law as well as history and preservation of historical monuments.


Educational goals

The concept of the degree program is based on the defined educational objectives, which require interdisciplinarity and practical relevance. It includes the teaching of specialized knowledge of different areas of building in existing structures and methodological as well as generic competences.


In recent years, the program has continuously changed its profile from "research-oriented" to "application-oriented" by strengthening the practical relevance in most modules. The majority of the master's theses chosen so far can also be described as applied research with a practical orientation.


The structure of the degree program and the study structure proved to be reasonable. It was shown that the full-time study program can be studied in three semesters. But the flexibility also allows a reasonable course of study to be extended over a four- or more-semester period of study if part-time study is pursued. Many of the students choose this form because there is a great interest in working while studying, sometimes in their own engineering offices. Many of the students also have to take care of family and children and reconcile this with the demands of everyday study.

Specialists from the practice

The teaching, especially in the elective subjects, is supported not only by the professors but also by highly qualified specialists from practice, who often also help to supervise the students as second examiners for the master's theses.


In particular, the broad range of electives to be completed according to subject groups as well as the experimental courses in the department's laboratories provide students with excellent, broad scientific and practical expertise. The specialization deliberately allows for individuality in addition to generalist compulsory subjects. Not only the master's thesis, but also course work can be chosen from the students' own professional environment, thus linking practical requirements with theoretical knowledge and practical procedures.

Practical projects

The mandatory projects have a high value in the study program. They are directly related to practice. Due to the nature of the event, the ability to organize and work in a team, to independently organize work, to apply a wide variety of methods, to work scientifically and to document, to speak and to present is particularly promoted. When discussing the project presentations, a stimulating feedback culture is created. In the P1 project, the relocation from the daily work routine at the university to an unfamiliar environment also strengthens social interaction and the ability to deal with conflict. It became apparent that the students' enjoyment of their work and their motivation are particularly high in the projects.

Key competence

The degree program strengthens and builds up the key competencies of the students, on the one hand through the structure of the study program itself, through the anchoring of additional competencies in individual subjects. Certificates of achievement in the form of presentations, project work with mixed teams of civil engineers and architects as well as men and women particularly promote independent action as well as teamwork and communication and presentation skills. In addition to teaching technical skills, the teaching staff increasingly recognizes its task in strengthening the key competencies of the students and is aware of its role model function in questions of teamwork and, above all, in the willingness to network.


The Master's program in Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings does not turn architects into civil engineers or vice versa. However, due to its interdisciplinary approach, the program contributes significantly to a better understanding and cooperation between civil engineers and architects. Accordingly, the master's theses can have a different focus on more engineering calculation or on more design and planning for civil engineers or architects.

Is this course of study a good fit for you?

As a graduate, you will be able to structure, plan, coordinate, manage and implement conversion and reuse projects in a management position. In the degree program Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings you will receive training as a generalist with the ability to communicate, with special and methodological knowledge for questions of building maintenance at the state of the art in the field of building maintenance and construction in existing contexts. With the combination of certain elective subjects, you will receive a recognized continuing education qualification as an "energy consultant on site (BAFA)". The ability to work scientifically is just as much a part of the program as the ability to work in an interdisciplinary manner and to lead interdisciplinary teams, as well as the opportunity for personal development.

Kipprinne im Wasserlabor der FH Potsdam
? Axel Sch?fer

Laboratories & Workshops of the Civil Engineering Department

Working in the laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department is an integral part of the master's program. Our courses are vividly supplemented with practical laboratory exercises. The laboratories can also be used for final or research projects. The conservation and restoration workshops are also of interest to students of the Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings program.

Laboratories & Workshops


Die Kolleg*innen der Zentralen Studienberatung informieren Studieninteressierte, Studienanf?nger*innen, Eltern, Lehrer*innen und Studierende zu allen allgemeinen Fragen rund um das Studium. Bei konkreten Fragen und Anliegen zum Masterstudiengang Bauerhaltung und Bauen im Bestand kontaktieren Sie gern die Studienfachberatung.

Zentrale Studienberatung

Room 102

Online Termin buchen


Prof. Silke Straub-Beutin

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Silke Straub-Beutin

Professorin für Baukonstruktion
Studienfachberaterin Bauerhaltung und Bauen im Bestand (M. Eng.)

These degree programs might also interest you

Weitere Studieng?nge
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Ing?Bau: Preservation and Construction Work in Structural Engineering (MSc) German Summer semester, Winter semester
15/12 – 15/02 and 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
MEng Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings German Summer semester
15.12. – 15.02. (admission restricted)
Career Prospects

Career Prospects

The need for experts in existing buildings is growing more and more and enables graduates of the master's program in Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings to pursue practical or scientific activities. Due to its interdisciplinary approach, the program contributes significantly to a better understanding and cooperation between civil engineers and architects. The interdisciplinary orientation qualifies you for management tasks or coordination work as well as for higher service. Setting up a business or freelancing is also a conceivable option with your knowledge.

Possible areas of application

  • Management positions in construction companies
  • Management positions in building authorities
  • Scientific work in applied research
  • Freelance consultant
  • Doctorate

These degree programs might also interest you

Weitere Studieng?nge
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Ing?Bau: Preservation and Construction Work in Structural Engineering (MSc) German Summer semester, Winter semester
15/12 – 15/02 and 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
MEng Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings German Summer semester
15.12. – 15.02. (admission restricted)
Study Contents

Course of studies

The master's degree program in Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings can be studied full- or part-time and concludes with the writing of a master's thesis. Depending on the first degree, the master's degree can be completed full-time in three or four semesters and part-time in four or five semesters. Both study forms allow for a stay abroad.


1st semester

Mandatory modules: Fundamentals, project module
Elective modules: Flex modules, laboratory

2nd semester Mandatorymodules: Project modules
3rd semester Elective module
Master's examination

Do you have questions about the course of studies, the application or the master thesis? Please read our FAQ.

Study Contents

During your studies, you receive individual support – be it in deciding on elective modules or in writing their master's thesis. The teaching, especially in the elective subjects, is supported not only by the professors but also by highly qualified specialists from the field.

Compulsory part/elective (compulsory) area

The Master's program is divided into a broadly based compulsory part, consisting of the modules Fundamentals, Laboratories, Seminars and Projects, and an elective (compulsory) part, which serves individual specialization and is divided into elective subjects and the Master's thesis.

Basics G1 and G2 (mandatory)

In the basic modules G1 and G2, students receive the basic knowledge required for further in-depth studies in the spectrum of building preservation and planning in existing buildings. Essentially, the courses take place in the form of lectures, supplemented by seminar components as well as excursions and smaller exercises.

Laboratory L (compulsory)

In practical exercises in the laboratories of the department, students gain methodological skills in the use of the necessary technical aids. The focus is on observational learning, but also on imparting action competence and individual experience by performing the practical exercises.

Projects P (compulsory)

In the projects, the knowledge acquired is to be applied in the form of independent practical work and tested on the basis of a complex problem. The three projects are each divided into several work steps. In principle, group work is planned, but individual work is also possible.

Elective module A and elective modules B - E

In the compulsory elective and elective subjects, students have the opportunity to deepen their specialist knowledge in freely chosen subject areas on the one hand, and to acquire basic knowledge and insights into related subject areas as well as general competences on the other. The compulsory electives and the electives are usually offered in the form of lectures, integrated courses or seminars.

Master thesis (mandatory)

The written Master's thesis (MA), together with the Master's colloquium (MK), takes up one third of the total study load.
Suggestions for topics from the students' professional context are explicitly welcome. Students are also particularly encouraged to work on a Master's thesis as part of an R&D project in cooperation with external institutions or companies. There is no entitlement to a specific topic. The program coordinator and the professors involved in the subject support the students here in all technical and organizational questions, for example in establishing contacts with possible cooperation partners, in finding suitable topics, and in clarifying practical and legal questions regarding the implementation. It is possible for two students to work on a master's thesis together.
The colloquium is open to the public. The colloquium also includes the creation of a poster and the presentation of the master's thesis on the department's website.

Master theses

More projects
Darstellung des WBS70-Geb?udes mit Geschossaufstockung

Extension of a WBS 70 building

In Potsdam am Schlaatz, an area that was newly developed at the end of the 1970s and into which the first residents moved in 1985, additional living space is to be created through redensification measures and additional storeys. The following wishes of those involved in the planning process were incorporated into the planning process and resulted in a number of conflicting objectives.

Ansicht Nord der ehemaligen Poststelle im Park Sanssouci

Historical Building Research and Renovation Recommendations for the Former Post Office in Potsdam's Sanssouci Park

This master's thesis deals with the historical building research of the listed building complex at Lennéstra?e 7a in Potsdam. The building complex is located on the grounds of Villa Liegnitz and fits into the ensemble of the Sanssouci Park.

Schr?gansicht der L?ngsseite des Gehilfenhauses der Melonerie im Park Sanssouci

Servants' Lodge of the Melonerie in Sanssouci Park

Draft of a refurbishment strategy in line with heritage requirements

Ansicht des Winkelbunkers

Conservation of the Outer Shell of a Winkelbunker in Kirchm?ser, Brandenburg

The building is to be analysed and documented in order to plan suitable measures for its repair and long-term preservation.

Application & Enrollment

Termine & Voraussetzungen für Ihre Bewerbung

Die wichtigsten Fristen, Termine und Zugangsvoraussetzungen für den Masterstudiengang Bauerhaltung und Bauen im Bestand sind hier zusammengestellt. Welche Schritte Sie für eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung beachten müssen, erfahren Sie im n?chsten Abschnitt.


  • bis zum 15. Februar: Online-Bewerbung einreichen


Erster berufsqualifizierender Hochschulabschluss (240 ECTS-Leistungspunkte, mindestens 180 ECTS-Leistungspunkte) in einer der folgenden Fachrichtungen:

  • Bauingenieurwesen
  • Architektur
  • Konservierung und Restaurierung (in der Baudenkmalpflege)
  • in einer sonstigen ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtung nach Entscheidung durch die Zulassungskommission

So bewerben Sie sich!

Im Folgenden erl?utern wir Ihnen, welche Aspekte Sie von der Online-Bewerbung bis zur Immatrikulation (Einschreibung) beachten sollten.

Die Bewerbung für das Sommersemester erfolgt vom 15. Dezember bis 15. Februar online im MyCampus-Hochschulportal der Fachhochschule Potsdam.

Einzureichende Unterlagen

Bei der Online-Bewerbung sind folgende Unterlagen im Bewerbungsportal als PDF einzureichen:

  • Hochschulabschlusszeugnis(se) bzw. aktuelle Leistungsübersicht mit den bisher erworbenen ECTS-Leistungspunkten und der bisher erworbenen Note, falls das Studium noch nicht abgeschlossen ist
  • ggf. Nachweis der einschl?gigen Berufserfahrungen (Als Nachweise gelten Arbeitsvertr?ge, Arbeitszeugnisse oder Best?tigungsschreiben von ihren Arbeitgebern. Praktika oder Arbeitsstellen w?hrend des Studiums sind davon ausgeschlossen.)


Am Verfahren zur Vergabe der Studienpl?tze nehmen Bewerbende teil, die die Zugangsvoraussetzungen erfüllen. Im Vergabeverfahren werden von der Anzahl der zu vergebenden Studienpl?tze vorab abgezogen:

  • alle Bewerbenden, die aufgrund eines Dienstes eine frühere Zulassung nicht annehmen konnten sowie alle Bewerber*innen mit einer Angeh?rigkeit zum Bundeskader eines Bundessportfachverbandes des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes
  • 11 % für Bewerbende mit ausl?ndischer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung
  • 3 % für Bewerbende, die nach H?rtegesichtspunkten zu berücksichtigen sind

Die verbleibenden Studienpl?tze werden zu 90 % nach dem Ergebnis eines Hochschulauswahlverfahrens und zu 10 % nach Wartezeit vergeben.
Das Ergebnis des Hochschulauswahlverfahrens wird auf der Grundlage der folgenden Kriterien ermittelt (Gewichtung in Klammern):

  • Note des berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschlusses (40 %)
  • Note aus dem Bereich Grundlagen des Bauingenieurwesens (15 %)
  • Note aus dem Bereich Materialbezogenes Konstruieren (10 %)
  • Note aus dem Bereich Planen und Entwerfen (10 %)
  • Note aus dem Bereich fachspezifische Spezialkenntnisse im Bereich der Konservierung und Restaurierung in der Baudenkmalpflege (5 %)
  • Einschl?gige Berufserfahrung (20 %)


Im Anschluss an Hochschulauswahlverfahren wird das Vergabeverfahren durchgeführt. Bewerbende mit einem entsprechend hohen Ranglistenplatz erhalten im MyCampus-Hochschulportal ein zeitlich befristetes Zulassungsangebot, das Sie aktiv annehmen müssen. Nach der Annahme des Zulassungsangebotes finden Sie im MyCampus-Hochschulportal Ihren Zulassungsbescheid. Nehmen Sie das Zulassungsangebot nicht fristgem?? an, wird die Rangliste weiter abgearbeitet und der Studienplatz neu vergeben.

Sie haben das Zulassungsangebot angenommen und Ihren Zulassungsbescheid erhalten? Dann haben Sie die M?glichkeit, im MyCampus-Hochschulportal der Fachhochschule Potsdam einen Immatrikulationsantrag für das Sommersemester zu stellen.

Wenn Sie Ihren Online-Antrag auf Immatrikulation gestellt haben, reichen Sie bitte den ausgedruckten und unterschriebenen Antrag zusammen mit allen erforderlichen Unterlagen (gem?? Immatrikulationsantrag) fristgerecht in Papierform ein. Der Tag der Immatrikulationsfrist ist entscheidend für die Einreichung der Unterlagen, wobei der Posteingang an der Fachhochschule Potsdam ma?geblich ist.

Haben Sie Fragen zum Immatrikulationsverfahren an der Fachhochschule Potsdam? Wir haben h?ufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten zur Immatrikulation und Zulassung zusammengestellt.

Weitere Informationen

Unter den folgenden Links finden Sie, und speziell internationale Bewerber*innen, weiterführende Informationen rund um die Themen Bewerbung und Immatrikulation an der Fachhochschule Potsdam.

Girlande mit internationalen Flaggen

Internationale Bewerber*innen

Sie m?chten sich für ein Studium ab dem ersten oder einem h?heren Fachsemester bewerben und haben Ihren Schulabschluss und/oder Hochschulabschluss im Ausland erworben? Dann k?nnen Sie sich im Ausland erworbene Abschlüsse und Leistungen anerkennen lassen und bei uns studieren.

Bewerbungsinfos für Internationals

Drei Studierende schauen sich Infomaterialien der FH Potsdam an

Bewerbungs- & Immatrikulationsverfahren

Der Bewerbungs- und Studien-bob体育平台官网 informiert und ber?t Sie bei allgemeinen Fragen zum Bewerbungsverfahren, zur Zulassung und Immatrikulation an der Fachhochschule Potsdam, zur Bewerbung für ein h?heres Fachsemester, aber auch zu Themen wie Nachteilsausgleich, Teilzeitstudium, Wartesemester und H?rtefallantrag.

Bewerbung & Immatrikulation FH Potsdam

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Die Zentrale Studienberatung informiert und ber?t zu allgemeinen Fragen rund um das Studium sowie zu Themen wie Studienwahl, Bewerbung, Immatrikulation und Studienorganisation.

Für studienfachspezifische Fragen zu Modulinhalten, Anrechnung von Studienleistungen, Prüfungen oder Studienschwerpunkten im Studiengang Bauerhaltung und Bauen im Bestand ist die Studienfachberatung die richtige Anlaufstelle.


Prof. Silke Straub-Beutin

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Silke Straub-Beutin

Professorin für Baukonstruktion
Studienfachberaterin Bauerhaltung und Bauen im Bestand (M. Eng.)

Zentrale Studienberatung

Room 102

Online Termin buchen

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Room 3.02a


Room 026


Di und Do 09:30 – 13:30 Uhr

Beauftragter für Hochschulangeh?rige mit Beeintr?chtigungen

Room 201


nach Vereinbarung


Beatrice Schwarz
Hauptsachbearbeiterin Bewerbungs- und Studien-bob体育平台官网
Andrea Voigt
Sachbearbeiterin Bewerbungs- und Studien-bob体育平台官网