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Digital Simulation Games in University Teaching

The project is based at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences and is carried out in close cooperation with the Network Children's Rights – National Coalition Germany. The aim is to develop a prototype for digital simulation games for use in university teaching.

Illustrierte Landschaft mit dem Titel Digitale Planspiele in der Hochschule nutzen
Cooperation project
Cooperation partners:

Children's Rights Network – National Coalition Germany

Supported by the Innovation Fund of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

A simulation game simulates a real-life situation. Students slip into the roles of actors and learn in real time. The topic of a digital simulation game is freely selectable and can be adapted to the needs of individual courses of study.

Within the framework of the project, an exemplary game on the topic of children's rights is being developed. It simulates the hearing of civil society representatives before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva. The analyses of the implementation of different human rights conventions that take place there provide space for different roles: Representatives of NGOs, experts of the United Nations, representatives of the government(s).

The internationally oriented simulation game is developed in German and English and is then freely available to all university members on the Gather.Town platform. If necessary, the game can be modified for other topics.


Project management


  • Prof. Dr. J?rg Maywald
  • Rebecca Budde
  • Jonas Deitert
  • Pauline Richter