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Press release

In the P?Dual Project, young Scientists are trained in a Dual System and Qualification Formats are developed

University Planning & Development

On the 1st of October, five doctoral students and postdocs started their research projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and at their practice partners. Suitable qualification formats are being developed in the P?Dual project for the recruitment and development of professorial staff.

Five doctoral students and postdocs joined the "P?Dual – Recruitment and Development of Professorial Staff at the FH Potsdam Dual" project on the 1st of October. Half of them are employed at the university and half at a practice partner. At the kick-off event, the young academics came together with their supervisors from the FH Potsdam and their regional cooperation partners from the field and presented their research projects. In presenting the project, Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, President of the FH Potsdam, and Prof. Dr. Tobias Schr?der, Vice President for Research and Transfer, clarified the overarching goals of the project: the promotion and personal development of young researchers for the purpose of qualifying them for a FH professorship and the importance of cooperation with practice partners. Through the cooperative procedures, the young academics acquire the qualifications required for a FH professorship in the triad of teaching, research and professional practice at an early stage. The early career researchers are represented in all research specialisations at the FH Potsdam:

Research focus "Forming Society"

  • Romy Sch?nfeld with the Institute for Advanced Training Research and Development e.V. (IFFE)
  • Dr. Marit Cremer with KommMit e.V. and MEMORIAL Deutschland e.V.

Research focus "Design, build, preserve"

  • Vivien Nowak with the Beamten-Wohnungs-Verein zu Berlin eG (BWV)
  • Janis Moye with the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)

Research focus "Urban Future – Digital Transformation"

  • Dr. Gabriela Michelini with the DigitalAgentur Brandenburg GmbH (DABB)

Dr. Gabriele Joanna Kowalski, project coordinator: "The P?Dual project enables us to further develop something tried and tested, namely the dual study programme. The experience of the young researchers from the field can be directly incorporated into the development of their own research question, while the practice partner gains a unique insight into current research."

The project is strategically supported by an advisory board of renowned experts from science and practice, which also met for the first time in October at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. In addition to getting to know each other personally, the aim of the meeting was to discuss the upcoming work in the project and the involvement of the advisory board. With this input, the project will be set up for the coming years and concrete measures, such as the development of qualification and exchange formats for early career researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, will be implemented.