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Press release

Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. B?rbel Arnold

Portr?t B?rbel Arnold

To mark her appointment as Honorary Professor of Conservation and Restauration at the Department of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Prof. Dr. B?rbel Arnold will give her inaugural lecture "Conservation and Natural Science – A Journey through Time and Forgetting".

It begins with the history of natural science and monument preservation based on the files of the Royal Saxon Commission for the Investigation of Stone Preservation Agents. As far as possible, an attempt will be made to evaluate the effect of the stone conservation agents used at that time according to today's standards. The "golden decade of conservation science", the "Stone Decay" project, which lasted from 1985 to 1997 and was funded by the then Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT, now BMBF), is then analysed in more detail. Finally, examples of the everyday lives of conservationists and natural scientists are described.

About the person
B?rbel Arnold was born in Freital in 1951. After studying chemistry in Jena, which she completed with a diploma in 1974, she began her professional career as a research assistant at VEB aerosol automat Leipzig from 1974 to 1976. Until 1983, she worked as a research assistant in the construction chemistry department at the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Weimar. During this period, she completed her doctorate in 1983 with a thesis on the hydration behaviour of Portland cements during heat treatment.
B?rbel Arnold then worked from 1983 to 1986 as a research assistant at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, specialising in physical methods in analytical chemistry, at the Academy of Sciences.
From 1989 to 1990, she held the position of Head Conservator at the Institute for the Preservation of Monuments in the GDR. Since 1990 she has worked as a research assistant at the Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and Archaeological State Museum.

Her work focusses on research into the causes, processes and sequences of damage to monuments. She is also dedicated to researching suitable materials and methods for the conservation, restoration and refurbishment of monuments. Her expertise also extends to advising monument owners, planners and authorities in connection with the conservation, restoration and refurbishment of monuments.

Inaugural lecture
When: 05/12/2023, 6.00 pm
Where: House D / 011
Online: Participation via Zoom
The inaugural lecture is open to the public and embedded in the guest lecture series of the degree programme Conservation and Restauration. Interested parties are welcome.