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Anniversary: 20 Years of the Master's Degree Programme in Building Conservation & Construction Work on Existing Buildings

In the summer semester of 2004, the first students were enrolled on the Master's degree programme "Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings".

After 20 years since the enrolment of the first class, the energetic, ecological and political necessity of conserving existing buildings and adapting them to current requirements and uses is clearer than ever. In addition to purely technical considerations under the heading of "grey energy", existing buildings are also associated with cultural and emotional aspects under the heading of "golden energy". Our aim therefore remains to preserve the listed building stock with due consideration for the historical substance – without forgetting that only a building that is utilised and usable will last in the long term.

We would like to invite you to a small anniversary celebration which, in addition to looking back at the past of the degree programme, will also raise interesting new topics and offer an outlook into the future. We will be celebrating our anniversary on the 3rd of June 2024 in the evening as part of the symposium "Duration and Transience – Reflections on the Lifespan of Buildings", which is being organised by the Institute for Building Research and Conservation (IBB) at the FH Potsdam and will take place from Monday, 3rd of June 2024 to Wednesday, 5th of June 2024 ("lunch to lunch") at the FHP. An extensive and exciting supporting programme is therefore guaranteed.

Please make a note of the dates:

We would be delighted if you could attend the entire symposium, but in any case we hope you will join us to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Master's programme.

Further information regarding registration and event details will be published soon.

Target audience: Professional audience University members Lecturers Employees Students Public

03/06/2024, 6.15 pm – 8.00 pm

20 years of the Master's program in Building Conservation & Construction in Existing Contexts