- since October 2018: Member of the research college "SENSING: Zum Wissen sensibler Medien" funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung
- April 2014 to March 2016: Vice Dean of the Department of Design, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- December 2014 to September 2015: Spokesperson for the DFG Research Training Group 1539 "Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung. Hybride Formen des Bildwissens"
- April 2012 to March 2014: Dean of the Department of Design, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- 2011 to 2015: Member of the DFG Research Training Group "Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung. Hybride Formen des Bildwissens"
- 2000 to 2012: Dean of the BA and MA programme in European Media Studies
- since winter semester 2000/01: Professorship for "Konzeption und ?sthetik der Neuen Medien" in the European Media Studies programme, Design Department, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- since 1999: Teaching assignments, workshops and lectures at various universities and institutions nationally and internationally.
- 1996: Co-founder of multimedia produktionen in berlin / mib GmbH Berlin (Creative Director from 1999-2002)
- since 1994: multimedia projects for museums and exhibition houses
- 1991 to 2001: founder and member of the MedienInstitut (Medienlabor für kommunikative Strategien e.V. Berlin)
- 1991 to 2000: Exhibitions in the art context
- 1992 to 1994: scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation
- 1991 to 1998: guitarist in the noise pop band "worldcup"
- 1991 to 1992: tutor in the multimedia research project "Technisches Sehen" at the HdK Berlin
- 1991: Tutor in the field of 3D visualisation at the HdK Berlin
- 1988 to 1994: studied Fine Arts at the Berlin University of the Arts, graduating as Master Student (Installation and Photography)
- 1985 to 1987: studies in music and art at the Gesamt-Hochschule Kassel
- 1984 to 1987: employee of the Apex Gallery in G?ttingen
- 1981 to 1984: Apprenticeship as precision mechanic
Essays/Articles/Editions (Selection)
- "Bildforensik im Journalismus – Kontexte und Methoden"
in: "Fotojournalismus im Um- und Aufbruch - Hybrid, multimedial, prek?r."
Ed.: Elke Grittmann and Felix Koltermann. Cologne: Halem Verlag
- "screenshotten"
in: "Historisches W?rterbuch des Mediengebrauchs Band 3."
Eds: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. Weimar: B?hlau/UTB
- "zoomen"
in: "Historisches W?rterbuch des Mediengebrauchs Band 3."
Eds: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. Weimar: B?hlau/UTB
- "Verdammt nah dran – die GoPro als Companion Technology"
in: "AugenBlick - Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft, 85: "Automatisierte Zuwendung. Affektive Medien - Sensible Medien - Fürsorgende Medien."
Ed.: Bernd B?sel
- "Das Ende Europas"
in: "Paradoxien des Finalen"
Ed.: Peter Bexte. Berlin: Kadmos (forthcoming)
- "Das Bild als Wahrscheinlichkeit"
in: "Bild | Kan?le. Zur Theorie und ?sthetik vernetzter Medienkultur"
Ed.: Olga Moskatova and Laura Katharina Mücke. Würzburg: K?nigshausen & Neumann (forthcoming)
- "Screen-Images"
Edited by Winfried Gerling, Sebastian M?ring and Marco De Mutiis. Berlin: Kadmos (forthcoming)
Including: Introduction and "In-Front-of-the-Screen-Images".
- "People Who Stare at Screens"
in: "Video Conferencing: Practices Politics Aesthetics".
Ed.: Olga Moskatova, Axel Volmar and Jan Distelmeyer. Bielefeld: transcript (forthcoming)
- "Environmental Selfies"
in: "Selfie-Forschung und ihre interdisziplin?ren Fragestellungen, Methoden und Ergebnisse" (forthcoming)
Ed.: Kristina Steimer
- "Versatile Camcorders – Looking at the GoPro Movement"
Edited by Winfried Gerling and Florian Krautkr?mer. Berlin: Kadmos
Including: Introduction (with Florian Krautkr?mer) and "GoPro Hero Camera Technology – The Production of the Companion View". - "Bilder einfrieren, oder: Wie das Bewegtbild in den Eisschrank kommt"
in: "Bildwelten des Wissens, 2021"
Ed.: Matthias Bruhn. Berlin: De Gruyter
Open Access: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110747614-007/html - "Virtuelles Licht – Bildschirmbilder als dokumentarische Bilder des Digitalen"
in: "MIT ALLEN SINNEN. Künstliche Welten zwischen Multisensorik und Multimedialit?t"
Edited by Stephanie Catani and Jasmin Pfeiffer. Berlin: De Gruyter
- "Gef?hrliche Augenblicke – die Fotografie und der Fall"
in: "Gefahr oder Risiko? Zur Geschichte von Kalkül und Einbildungskraft"
Eds: Heiko Christians and Georg Mein. Paderborn: Fink - "Die Insel"
Ed.: Felix Urban. Paderborn: Baden Baden: Tectum - "The Body and the Apparatus"
in: "Photographic Agencies and Materialities"
Eds: Mika Elo, Merja Salo, et al. Helsinki: Aalto ARTS Books (forthcoming).
- "Photography in the Digital – The Screenshot and In-Game Photography"
in: "Photographies"
Eds: David Bate and Liz Wells. Abingdon: Routledge - "Bilder verteilen – Fotografische Praktiken in der Digitalen Kultur"
Winfried Gerling, Susanne Holschbach and Petra L?ffler. Bielefeld: transcript - "Be a Hero – Self-Shoots at the Edge of the Abyss"
in: "Exploring the Selfie - Historical Theoretical and Analytical Approaches to Digital Self-Photography"
Edited by Julia Eckel, Jens Ruchatz and Sabine Wirth. London: Palgrave Macmillan
- "modellieren"
in: "Historisches W?rterbuch des Mediengebrauchs Band 2"
Eds: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. Weimar: B?hlau/UTB
- "Was der Fall ist – Prek?re Choreographien"
Winfried Gerling and Fabian Goppelsr?der. Berlin: Kadmos
- "Tote H?user - Hausmodelle in der Gegenwartskunst"
in: "In Da House - Das Haus und seine Vorstellung in den Künsten und Wissenschaften"
Eds: Heiko Christians and Georg Mein. Paderborn: Fink
- "Men Who Fell to Earth"
in: "Kein Ort sondern ein Zustand" Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at Kunstraum D21, Leipzig.
Ed.: Lena von Geyso and Elisabeth Pichler. 2015 Leipzig - "Moved Images - Velocity, Immediacy and Spatiality of Photographic Communication"
in: "Photographic Powers"
Eds: Mika Elo, Merja Salo, Marc Goodwin. 2015 Helsinki: Aalto ARTS Books
- "knipsen"
in: "Historisches W?rterbuch des Mediengebrauchs"
Eds: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. 2014 Weimar: B?hlau/UTB
- "Anschauung"
in: "Paradoxalit?t des Medialen"
Eds: Jan-Henrik M?ller, J?rg Sternagel, Lenore Hipper. 2013 Paderborn: Fink - "Falling Men – Images of the Falling Human in Art and Photography"
in: "Apocalypse - Imagining the End"
Eds: Mathias Fuchs and Alannah Hernandez. 2013 Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press - "Die Kuppel als medialer Raum"
in: "Fullspace-Projektion - Mit dem 360°lab zum Holodeck"
Eds: Gordian Overschmidt and Ute B. Schr?der. 2013 Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer
- "upload | share | keep in touch - Fotografen in Gemeinschaften"
in: "Wissensformen und Wissensnormen des Zusammenlebens. Literatur ? Kultur ? Geschichte ? Gesellschaft ?"
Ed.: Ottmar Ette in the series "Linguae et Litterae" of FRIAS (Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies). 2012 Berlin: de Gruyter
- "Freeze Frames - Zum Verh?ltnis von Fotografie und Film"
Ed.: Stefanie Diekmann and Winfried Gerling. Bielefeld: Transcript
Including: "Die eingefrorene Zeit oder das bewegte, stillgestellte Filmbild"
- "Aus einer vergangenen Zukunft" Internetpublikation zur Tagung "Medienamateure: Wie ver?ndern Laien unsere visuelle Kultur?"
International and interdisciplinary conference at the University of Siegen
Prof. Dr. Susanne Regener, 5-7th June 2008
- Multitasking - Ein Ausstellungs- und Tagungsprojekt zu einem Schlüsselph?nomen zeitgen?ssischer Mediennutzung
Contribution to the proceedings of the 14th Berlin EVA Conference/Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (with Barbara Lauterbach) - Multitasking - Synchronit?t als kulturelle Praxis
Publication on the exhibition and conference project, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin
Organisation and conception in collaboration with the Photography Working Group of the NGBK and students of the EMW
Ed.: NGBK and Winfried Gerling. Berlin: NGBK
- "WE ARE NOT GOING BACK - Storytelling in der Modefotografie"
in: "Die Kunst der Mode"; Reihe Mode und ?sthetik
Ed.: Gertrud Lehnert. Oldenburg: dbv
- "Verst?rker - Fotografie im Musikvideo"
in: After the Film No. 8 "Fotokino"; www.nachdemfilm.de
Ed.: Stefanie Diekmann, Winfried Gerling, Birgit Kohler and Winfried Pauleit
Multimedia projects
- http://emw.fh-potsdam.de
Relaunch of the website and teaching platform for the degree programme European Media Studies
Project management and conception
- Website and teaching platform for the degree programme in European Media Studies
Project with students of the course
Conception and realisation in cooperation with mib GmbH and MedienLabor für kommunikative Strategien Berlin:
- Website for the design distributor "garage blau"
Project management, concept and design
- The "Weltweiten Projekte" of the Federal States in Germany
EXPO 2000, German Pavilion, Hanover, Point of Information
Project management and conception - www.odranoel.de
Website for the exhibition: "Leonardo da Vinci: Joseph Beuys – der Codex Leicester. Zeichnungen"
museum der dinge, Berlin
Concept and design
- "Ware Sch?nheit", museum der dinge, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
Data image projection for the exhibition
4 beamers project onto a cube of 2.5 m edge length, duration ca. 45 min
Concept, design and programming with Markus Ramershoven - "Topographie des Terrors – zum Umgang mit dem Prinz-Albrecht-Gel?nde nach 1945",
Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, CD-ROM
- "Digitale Galerie", interactive visitor information system in 3 specially designed rooms
Co-project management, overall conception (room design, software and hardware)
Work analysis "Jean Fouquet, das Diptychon von Melun"
Conception, design and programming
"Madonna", the image of the Madonna in pictures and media from the early modern times until today
Conception, design and programming
"Details", data image projection in the Ricci staircase
Concept, design and programming
all in the Old Masters Picture Gallery SMB-PK, Berlin
- "Martin Luther 1483-1546", IBM and Luther Hall Wittenberg,
Project management, conception, design and programming
(Nominated for the Europrix-Multimedia-Art 1998)
- "Kulturen des Wissens", Siemens AG
Interactive knowledge system
Project management, conception, design and programming
- "Navigationsspiel MMK", Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurt a.M.
Interactive essays on artists and works
Conception, design and programming
In addition, as a member of the management team, conceptual support and development of numerous other on- and offline projects for mib GmbH.
Among others:
- "Die Legende vom Leben des Buddha", POI and CD-ROM for the Museum of Indian Art, SMPK;
- "Berlin Images", CD-ROM for the Senate Chancellery Berlin (5 editions);
- "Sandro Botticelli: Der Bilderzyklus zu Dantes G?ttlicher Kom?die", audio-vision for the exhibition in the Kupferstichkabinett, SMPK; Berlin
- "Bauen im Licht", CD-ROM on Bruno Taut's Glass House in cooperation with the Werkbund Archive, Berlin
- "Lumpensammler im Datenraum", CD-ROM for the Werkbund Archive, Berlin
Lectures and exhibitions
Lectures and workshops
- March: "Bildeingriffe"
Keynote at the Meet Up of the German Society for Photography (Section History and Archives) at the Sprengel Museum, Hanover
- December: "Screen Images - Screenshot, Screencast, In-Game Photography"
Book presentation with Sebastian M?ring and Marco De Mutiis at C/O Berlin - November: "Companion Technologies"
Lecture at the "International Conference of Photography and Theory" 2022, Nicosia - September: "Screen Images as Images of Images".
Lecture in the context of the event series: "Capturing The (Game) World: Computer Games As New Places For Photographic Practice", C/O Berlin - May: "Der Fall als mediale Figur des Widerstands".
Lecture at Galerie Kriens on the occasion of the exhibition "High Class Things" by Tatjana Erpen - March: "People Who Stare at Screens"
Contribution to author workshop: "Video Conferencing- Practices, Politics, Aesthetics", Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies (online)
- November: "Methoden der Bildforensik"
Lecture at the study day on picture editing research "Zwischen Symbol und Information – Der bildredaktionelle Umgang mit der Fotografie im Journalismus", University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover - October: "Environmental Selfies"
Lecture at the conference: "Selfie-Forschung und ihre interdisziplin?ren Fragestellungen, Methoden und Ergebnisse", Centre for Ethics of Media and Digital Society, Munich School of Philosophy - August: "Fallende Menschen"
Lecture at the Museum Folkwang/Essen on the occasion of Tobias Zielony's exhibition "The Fall". - June: "A Sense of Co-Presence"
Lecture at the conference: "After Post Photography 6", St.Petersburg (online) - May: "Das Bild als Wahrscheinlichkeit"
Contribution to the author workshop: "Bild | Kan?le. Zur Theorie und ?sthetik vernetzter Bilder", Institute for Theatre and Media Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg (online) - April: "Kamera"
Contribution to the workshop for the preparation of a research group: "Nomadic Camera III: Konzepte und Begriffe zur Nomadic Camera", Institute for Art History, LMU Munich (online), LMU website on the project - March: "Detecting the Border. Camera Technologies of Sensory Border Surveillance".
Contribution in the workshop for the preparation of a research group: "Nomadic Camera II: Teilprojekte: transdisziplin?re und inhaltliche Schnittstellen", Institute of Art History, LMU Munich (online)
- December: "Versatile Cameras – The GoPro Perspective".
Lecture at the Department of Communications and Journalism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem - November: "Screenshots als provisorische Geste des Finalen".
Lecture at the symposium "Paradoxien des Finalen", Academy of Media Arts, Cologne - July: "Down and Out in Los Santos – Screenshot und In-Game Photography als dokumentarische Bilder des Digitalen"
Lecture at the conference "Mit allen Sinnen", Saarland University, Saarbrücken - March: "Die Kamera als Sensor"
Contribution in the workshop for the preparation of a research group: "Nomadic Camera I: Themen und Perspektiven zur Nomadic Camera", Institute for Art History, LMU Munich
- December: "Was der Fall ist… Prek?re Choregraphien"
Book launch with Merle Ibach and Fabian Goppelsr?der, Volkwang Art University, Essen, Germany - October: "Bildschirmbilder"
Lecture at the symposium "Fotografieren in der digitalen Kultur", Neue Schule für Fotografie, Berlin - October: "Bildschirmbilder – Conception of an exhibition".
Lecture at the workshop "Screen-Images Relaoded", Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Emmen CH - September to December: Presentation of the text "Photography in the Digital – The Screenshot and In-Game Photography" at the Fotomuseum Winterthur in: SITUATION #145: Mapping Post-Photography
- May: "Detaching the Image"
Keynote with Sebastian M?ring at the conference "After Post Photography 4", European University, St. Petersburg - May: "La Chute - Der Fall des Menschen und die Fotografie".
Lecture in the lecture series of the IDA, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - March: "The Screenshot as a tool of evidence".
Lecture at the conference: "Helsinki Photomedia – Reconsidering the "Post-truth Condition": Epistemologies of the photographic image", Aalto University, Helsinki - February: "Was der Fall ist… Prek?re Choregraphien".
Reading and performance with Fabian Goppelsr?der and Saskia Oidtmann at C/O Berlin
- October: "Schirmbilder – Fotografieren im Digitalen".
Lecture at the GfM annual conference 2017: "Zug?nge" in Erlangen - September: "Was der Fall ist… Prek?re Choregraphien".
Book presentation with Fabian Goppelsr?der, Merle Ibach and Hans Kanewitz at the conference: "Nach der Ikonischen Wende", ZhdK, Zurich - July: "The Schirmbild - The Long and Short History of Screenphotography"
Lecture at the conference: Bildschirmbilder - In-Game Fotografie und Screenshot als fotografische Praxis
International workshop from 06-07th July 2017 at ZeM - Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies, Potsdam. - May: "Photography in the Digital – The Screenshot and In-Game-Photography"
Paper presented at the conference: Critical Issues in Photography Today London, University of Westminster. Conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the publication of "Photographies".
- September: "Gef?hrliche Augenblicke – die Fotografie und der Fall"
Lecture at the conference: "Gefahr oder Risiko. Zur Geschichte von Kalkül und Einbildungskraft", University of Potsdam - March: "The body and the (photo-)apparatus"
Lecture at the conference: "Helsinki Photomedia - Photographic Agencies and Materialities", Aalto University, Helsinki
- July: "Am Rande der Aufmerksamkeit – Digitales Knipsen als Problem für die Medienwissenschaft"
Lecture at the lecture series of the Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies, Potsdam - May: "Bedingungen digitaler Bildlichkeit"
Contribution to the workshop of the Photography Working Group of the Society for Media Studies, Braunschweig - April: "Be a Hero – Self-Shoots am Rande des Abgrunds"
Lecture at the conference "#selfie – Imag(in)ing the Self in Digital Media", University of Marburg
- November: "Tote H?user. Hausmodelle in der Gegenwartskunst"
Lecture at the conference "Das Haus und seine Vorstellung in den Künsten und Wissenschaften", University of Potsdam - June: "Falling Men"
Lecture at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne - June: "La Chute – Bilder vom Fall und Sturz des Menschen".
Lecture in the lecture series of the Research Training Group "Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung - Hybride Formen des Bildwissens". - March: "Indexschwindel – Was von Bildern bleibt. Foto, Film, Game"
Talk in the context of the project: "SCHWINDEL DER WIRKLICHKEIT", Academy of Arts, Berlin - March: "Moved Images – Velocity and Instantness of Photographic Communication".
Lecture at the conference: "Helsinki Photomedia – Images in Circulation", Aalto University, Helsinki - January: "ALLEGORIA SACRA"
Lecture on the artist video by AES&F as part of the lecture series "Film?sthetische Forschung", Arsenal, Berlin
- October: "Digitale Bildbest?nde als Grundlage neuer Visualisierungskulturen".
Lecture at the annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, Lüneburg
- October: "Photographic Files – Gebrauch, Ordnung und Besitz".
Lecture at the workshop: Collective Collections – Workshop zu Ordnungen und Praktiken digitaler Bildersammlungen, Bauhaus University - Faculty of Media, Weimar - July: "Falling Men – Images of the Falling Human in Art and Photography".
Lecture at the conference: "Apocalypse: Imagining the End", Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Oxford - May: "Digitale Fotografie und Metadaten".
Lecture at the workshop of the Working Group Photography of the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, Berlin - March: "The Inseparables – Photography and the Indexicality of Metadata"
Lecture at the conference: "Helsinki Photomedia – Images in Circulation", Aalto University, Helsinki
- October: "Mittelerde bei Google Earth – Digitale Fotografie, Georeferenz und andere Metadaten".
Lecture at the annual conference of the Society for Media Studies - July: "Accidents will happen – Fotografie und Metadaten".
Lecture in the lecture series of the Research Training Group "Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung - Hybride Formen des Bildwissens". - July: "Fotografie und Metadaten – eine Einführung".
Lecture at the workshop at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne: beach, party, wedding, japan... ? Photography and Metadata
- July: "Upload / share / keep in touch – Fotografen in Gemeinschaften".
Lecture at the international conference: "Wissensformen und Wissensnormen des Zusammenlebens. Literatur – Kultur – Geschichte – Gesellschaft" at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) - January: "This is not a Game – Alternate Realities: Expanding Digital Narratives into Real Life".
Lecture CTM.10 – OVERLAP (with Christina Maria Schollerer)
- July: "Media and Culture in Europe Summer School - Concepts of occidental aesthetics from Renaissance to Avantgarde".
Summer School at Bahcesehir University, Istanbul. With Dieter Mersch and Nazli Eda Noyan
- November: "Die Digitale Galerie in der Gem?ldegalerie - Erfahrungen nach 10 Jahren"
Lecture at the 15th Berlin EVA - Conference/Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (with Prof. Dr. Arthur Engelbert) - June: "Aus einer vergangenen Zukunft" at the conference "Medienamateure", Media Studies, University of Siegen
- January: "Simulacrum" public talk with Mirjam Schaub on the exhibition by Nils Olaf B?e, at FIELD-Diskurslab, Berlin
- November: "Multitasking - Ein Ausstellungs- und Tagungsprojekt zu einem Schlüsselph?nomen zeitgen?ssischer Mediennutzung"
Lecture at the 14th Berlin EVA - Conference/Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (with Barbara Lauterbach)
- November: "Zurück in die Gegenwart - zum Film DER EINSAME DER ZEIT" Lecture at the Filmmuseum, Potsdam
- January: "Das Verborgene im Bild" Photography Workshop, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, Kiel
- November: "Verst?rker - Fotografie im Musikvideo" at the conference "FotoKino", Arsenal Berlin
- January: Salm2, a European cooperation project on the prototypical future development of the small town of Senones (Vosges/France) with Mischa Schaub (head of the Hyperwerk FHBB) as part of the Civitas event series of the FHP
- November: Presentation of the DVD ACAR2Public at the international media festival VIPER in Basel CH
- October: "WE ARE NOT GOING BACK – Storytelling in der Modefotografie",
Lecture at the international symposium: "Die Kunst der Mode", Institute for Arts and Media, University of Potsdam - October: "ViceVersa" workshop with students of Hyperwerk, University of Applied Sciences Basel CH and students of the Computer Science Department of the European Humanities, University Minsk
- October: Presentation of the workshop results "Fotonovela" by the Hyperwerk at the VIPER, Basel
- SS 02: "Fotonovela" workshop, Hyperwerk, University of Applied Sciences Basel CH
- WS 01/02: "Post- Hyper- Trans- Human", Lectureship, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- October: "Medien im Museum", block seminar in the Museology course, Basel CH
- April. Presentation of the model course European Media Studies, lecture, European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany
- March: "Besucherinformationssysteme und Nutzeranalysen", lecture at the North German Museum Day, Bremerhaven
- WS 00/01: "Kulturvermittlung durch Multimedia", Lectureship, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- June: "Kulturvermittlung als Aufgabe", Lecture, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- May: "the making of die wirklichkeit", lecture at the international symposium: "Verführung zum Sein", University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- February: Start of the two-semester multimedia course (see 1999) in the Austrian Pillerseetal, (Regio-Tech, Hochfilzen)
- WS 99/00: Lectureship for multimedia productions at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- May: Conception of a two-semester multimedia course for European LEADER centres consisting of intensive on-site seminars and distance learning via internet and conference calls (organised by mib GmbH) in August; start of the first courses in the Austrian ?tztal (Telezentrum, Umhausen) and in the Italian Vinschgau (Schlo? Goldrain)
- February: Interaction course at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- November: "mib special" lecture on multimedia art and culture education in "die box", Berlin
- July: Speaker at the KEP- Qualification Project Cultural Development Planning in the State of Brandenburg
- May: Lecture at the transmediale `97 (10th video festival), Podewil, Berlin (cat.)
Exhibitions etc. (selection)
- October: "la fine dell'europa", "die box", Berlin
- January: cover photo for "Photography now", January/March issue
- December: "Zweite Auktion internationaler, junger zeitgen?ssischer Zeichnung", "die box", Berlin
- November: "handbooks", bluebooks, San Francisco
- September: "gap" photographs from 1995-99, "die box", Berlin
- July: Photographs for the CD-ROM "Berlin Images" commissioned by the Senate of Berlin
- December: "Erste Auktion internationaler, junger zeitgen?ssischer Zeichnung", "die box", Berlin
- November: "mediamenue II" "die box" presents computer games,
- June: "da bleibt keine flasche leer" Actions and animations for the World Cup, Internet café, Lindenpark e.V., Potsdam
- July: Video "Rehearsal" during the Popmarathon at the HTC, Berlin
- December: "Wiedersehen", Kunstverein, Hanover (cat.)
- January: "The Who", allgirls galerie, Berlin
- November: "Telepolis" with the MedienInstitut Berlin, Brussels
- March: "Frühlingserwachen", Kunstverein, Hanover (cat.)
- September: "Platons H?hle" Presentation of 2 interactive computer animations with the MedienInstitut Berlin, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen
- July: "Simone L?ffler 72-77", Künstlerhaus, G?ttingen
- March: Presentation of "Navigationsspiel MMK", with MedienInstitut Berlin, Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurt a. M.
- February: "Handgep?ck" (joint work with Irina Baschlakow), Bartlett School of Architecture, London (cat.)
- December: "Klasse Schoenholtz", Gallery T. Gierig, Frankfurt a. M. (cat.)
- November: Symposium "Kunst-Vermittlung / Fünf Künstler, ein T?ter, ein Gespr?ch" (W. Büttner, G. Bussmann, W. Delvoye, W. Gerling, R. G?r? and R. Mields), Gallery Apex, G?ttingen
- July: "was würdest du tun", group exhibition with Irina Baschlakow, Tina Born and Christof Ulbrich (2 collaborative works with Irina Baschlakow), Galerie Bergmannstra?e 110, Berlin (cat.)
- November: "Junge Berliner Kunst", Deutsche Aerospace, Munich (cat.)
- April: "Provinz, Dissipative Strukturen vor Ort", curator Thomas Wulffen (3 collaborative works with Oliver v. d. Berg), HdK, Berlin (cat.)
- March: Group exhibition with Irina Baschlakow, Oliver v.d. Berg and Christof Ulbrich, Eisenhalle, Berlin