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- Prof. Dr. Tobias Schr?der
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schr?der

In the lecture-free period by appointment via e-mail
Tobias Schr?der is the President's representative and Vice President for Studies and Teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as well as acting Vice President for Research and Transfer. He studied psychology and economics in Gie?en, Berlin and Hagen. He is also a research professor at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.
Academic and professional career
- Since 2014, research professor (W2) at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, research/teaching on social and cognitive science aspects of sustainable urban development, establishment of an interdisciplinary research institute and a master's degree programme on the topic of "Urban Future"; since 2015, member and since 2017, deputy chair of the Academic Senate; since 2016, trusted lecturer of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
- 2010 - 2014 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Cognitive Science Program (with Prof. Dr. Paul Thagard); Affiliate Researcher at the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation and member of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
- 2010 - 2013 Member of the Cluster of Excellence "Languages of Emotion" at the Freie Universit?t Berlin
- 2008 - 2010 Research associate at Freie Universit?t Berlin, Department of Futures and Educational Research (Institut Futur); Head of the BMBF project "Integrated Transfer Strategy for Sustainable Development
- 2005 - 2008 Doctoral student at the Chair of Organisational and Social Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin (with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Scholl); cooperation with Prof. Dr. David R. Heise, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA; 2009 doctorate in Dr. rer. nat.
Academic training
- 1999 - 2005 Studies in psychology and economics in Gie?en, Berlin and Hagen (focus: Organisational and social psychology, environmental psychology and economics); graduated with a degree in psychology from the Humboldt University in Berlin.
- 1998 A-levels at the Gymnasium Nordenham
Professional experience outside academia
- 1999 - 2010 Staff member of a member of the German Bundestag (part-time job with varying hours and interruptions)
- 2005 - 2010 Self-employed consultant, partly in cooperation with the business psychology consultancy PfO Partnerschaft
- 2003 - 2004 Volkswagen de México: 6-month internship in management development and leadership training
- 1998 - 1999 Civilian service (St?dt. Clinics Oldenburg (Oldb.))
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Hoey, J., & Schr?der, T. (2022). Disruption of social orders in societal transitions as affective control of uncertainty. American Behavioral Scientist. doi:10.1177/00027642211066055.
Luthardt, J.?, Morgan, J.H., Bormann, I, & Schr?der, T. (2021). Quantifying emotionally grounded discursive knowledge with cognitive-affective maps. Quality & Quantity. doi:10.1007/s11135-021-01195-7
Lorenz, J., Neumann, M., & Schr?der, T. (2021). Individual attitude change and societal dynamics. Experimenting with psychological theories. Psychological Review, 28(4), 623-642. doi:10.1037/rev0000291.
Z?ller, N.?, Morgan, J.H., & Schr?der, T. (2021). Modeling interaction in collaborative groups: Affect control within social structure. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 24(4), 6. doi:10.18564/jasss.4699.
Hoey, J., MacKinnon, N.J., & Schr?der. T. (2021). Denotative and connotative management of uncertainty: A computational dual-process model. Judgment and Decision Making, 16(2), 505-550.
32 Z?ller, N., Morgan, J.H., & Schr?der, T. (2020). A topology of groups: What GitHub can tell us about online collaboration. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161, 120291. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120291.
Luthardt, J.?, Schr?der, T., Hildebrandt, F., & Bormann, I. (2020). "And then we'll just check if it suits us" - Cognitive-affective maps of social innovation in early childhood education. Frontiers in Education, 5, 33. doi:10.3389/feduc.2020.00033
- Wolf, I., & Schr?der, T. (2019). Connotative meanings of sustainable mobility: A segmentation approach using cultural sentiments. Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice, 126, 259-280.
- Kaji?, I., Schr?der, T., Stewart, T.C., & Thagard, P. (2019). The semantic-pointer theory of emotion: Integrating physiology, appraisal, and construction. Cognitive Systems Research, 58, 35-53.
- Schauenburg, G., Conrad, M., von Scheve, C., Ambrasat, J., Aryani, A., & Schr?der, T. (2019). Making sense of social interaction: Emotional coherence drives semantic integration as assessed by event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia, 125, 1-13.
- Hoey, J., Schr?der, T., Morgan, J. H., Rogers, K. B., Rishi, D., & Nagappan, M. (2018). Artificial intelligence and social simulation: studying group dynamics on a massive scale. Small Group Research, 49(6), 647-683. (Note: Hoey and Schr?der share first authorship).
- Bormann, I., Schr?der, T., & Luthardt, J.? (2018). On the discursive production of innovation. Reflections on the combination of cognitive and discourse research. [On the discursive production of innovation: Combining cognitive science and discourse analysis] Journal of Discourse Studies, 5 (special issue on innovation research and discourse analysis), 160-182. [Journal of Discourse Studies.]
- Schr?der, T., & Wolf, I.? (2017). Modeling multi-level mechanisms of environmental attitudes and behaviours: The example of carsharing in Berlin. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 52, 136-148.
- Schr?der, T., Hoey, J., & Rogers, K. B. (2016). Modeling dynamic identities and uncertainty in social interaction: Bayesian affect control theory. American Sociological Review, 81, 828-855. (Note: paper received two awards - see above).
- Ambrasat, J.?, von Scheve, C., Schauenburg, G., Conrad, M., & Schr?der, T. (2016). Unpacking the habitus: Meaning-making across lifestyles. Sociological Forum, 31, 994-1017.
- Hoey, J., Schr?der, T., & Alhothali, A. (2016). Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process. Artificial Intelligence, 230, 134-172.
- Wolf, I.?, Schr?der, T., Neumann, J.?, & de Haan, G. (2015). Changing minds about electric cars: An empirically grounded agent-based modeling approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 94, 269-285.
- Schauenburg, G., Ambrasat, J.?, von Scheve, C., Schr?der, T., & Conrad, M. (2015). Emotional connotations of words related to authority and community. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 720-735.
- Schmidtke, D., Schr?der, T., Jacobs, A. M., & Conrad, M. (2014). ANGST: Affective norms for German sentiment terms derived from the affective norms for English words. Behavior Research Methods, 46, 1108-1118.
- Schr?der, T., & Thagard, P. (2014). Priming: Constraint satisfaction and interactive competition. Social Cognition, 32(Supplement), 152-167.
- Ambrasat, J.?, von Scheve, C., Schauenburg, G., Conrad, M., & Schr?der, T. (2014). Consensus and stratification in the affective meaning of human sociality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 8001-8006.
- Schr?der, T., Stewart, T. C., & Thagard, P. (2014). Intention, emotion, and action: A neural theory based on semantic pointers. Cognitive Science, 38, 851-880. (Note: alphabetical authorship).
- Rogers, K. B., Schr?der, T., & von Scheve, C. (2014). Affect control theory and the sociality of emotion: Reply to comments. Emotion Review, 6(2), 140-141.
- Rogers, K. B., Schr?der, T., & von Scheve, C. (2014). Dissecting the sociality of emotion: A multi-level approach. Emotion Review, 6(2), 124-133. [Target article with invited peer commentary] (Note: alphabetical authorship).
- Homer-Dixon, T., Milkoreit, M., Mock, S. J., Schr?der, T., & Thagard, P. (2014). The conceptual structure of social disputes: Cognitive-affective maps as tools for conflict analysis and resolution. SAGE Open, 4(1).
- Homer-Dixon, T., Leader Maynard, J., Mildenberger, M., Milkoreit, M., Mock, S. J., Quilley, S., Schr?der, T., & Thagard, P. (2013). A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: Cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief change. Journal of Social and Political Psychology 1(1), 337-363. (Note: alphabetical authorship, Schr?der is corresponding author).
- Schr?der, T., Rogers, K. B., Ike, S., Mell, J.?, & Scholl, W. (2013). Affective meanings of stereotyped social groups in cross-cultural comparison. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16(6), 721-737.
- Rogers, K. B., Schr?der, T., & Scholl, W. (2013). The affective structure of stereotype content: Behavior and emotion in intergroup context. Social Psychology Quarterly, 76(2), 125-150.
- Schr?der, T. & Thagard, P. (2013). The affective meanings of automatic social behaviors: Three mechanisms that explain priming. Psychological Review, 120(1), 255-280.
- Schr?der, T., Netzel, J.?, Schermuly, C. C., & Scholl, W. (2013). Culture-constrained affective consistency of interpersonal behaviour: A test of affect control theory with nonverbal expressions. Social Psychology, 44(1), 47-58.
- Schneider, A. & Schr?der, T. (2012). Ideal types of leadership as patterns of affective meaning: A cross-cultural and over-time perspective. Social Psychology Quarterly, 75(3), 268-287.
- Schermuly, C. C., Schr?der, T., Gl?s, K., Nachtwei, J., & Kauffeld, S.. (2012). The future of human resources development: Results of a delphi study. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 56(3), 111-122. [the leading German journal of work and organizational psychology].
- Schr?der, T. & Thagard, P. (2011). Motivated cognition and emotional bias in politics: Why Guttenberg has stayed so popular. Report Psychology, 36(9), 358-368.
- Schr?der, T. (2011). A model of language-based impression formation and attribution among Germans. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 30(1), 82-102.
- Schermuly, C.C., Schr?der, T., Scholl, W., & Nachtwei, J. (2010). The Discussion Coding System (DCS): A valid and economical instrument to code interactions in organizations. Journal of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, 54(4), 149-170.
- Schr?der, T. & Scholl, W. (2009). Affective dynamics of leadership: an experimental test of affect control theory. Social Psychology Quarterly, 72(2), 180-197.
- Schr?der, T. & Mieg, H.A. (2008). The impact of perceived justice on contingent value judgments. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(1), 135-158.
Other scientific publications (books, chapters, conference proceedings etc. * = with peer review)
- *Morgan, J.H., Zhao, J., Sedlacek, A., Chen, L., Piper, H., Beck, Y., Rogers, K.B., Hoey, J., & Schr?der, T. (in press). Modeling the culture of online collaborative groups with affect control theory. Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2019) (pp.?-?). Mainz: Gutenberg University.
- Priebe, M., Szczepanska, T., Higi, L. & Schr?der, T. (2019). Participatory systems modelling as a tool for integrated urban development. [Participatory systems modelling as a tool for integrated urban planning] Project report. Potsdam: University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
- Prytula, M., Schr?der, T. & Mieg, H. A. (2019). Inter- and transdisciplinarity. In H. A. Mieg (Ed.), Inquiry-Based Learning: Undergraduate Research (pp. 115-123). New York: Springer.
- Schr?der, T., Wolf, I.? & Z?ller, N.? (2018). Attitudes towards mobility innovations in Germany: A computational social science approach. Potsdam: University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
- Schr?der, T., & Wolf, I.? (2018). Psychological aspects of sustainable mobility: Structure and dynamics of attitudes towards mobility innovations. In E. Bamberg & C. Schmitt (Eds.), Psychology and Sustainability. (pp. 203-213). Berlin: Springer.
- *Hoey, J., Schr?der, T., Morgan, J. H., Rogers, K. B., & Nagappan, M. (2018). Affective dynamics and control in group processes. Proceedings of ACMI ICMI Conference (ICMI 2018), Paper 4. New York, NY, U.S.A.: ACM.
- *Szczepanska, T. ?, Priebe, M.?, & Schr?der, T. (2018). Teaching the complexity of urban systems with participatory social simulation. Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2018) (pp. 2-14). Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet.
- *Rishi, D., Hoey, J., Nagappan, M., Rogers, K. B., & Schr?der, T. (2018). Emotion and interaction processes in an online collaborative network. 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science. Chicago, IL, U.S.A..
- Prytula, M. & Schr?der, T. (Eds.) (2018). Urban transformation. Student research on urban futures, volume 1. Potsdam: Verlag der Fachhochschule Potsdam.
- Schr?der, T., & Prytula, M. (2018). Language and meaning as basic topics in coaching. In H. M?ller, W. Scholl, & S. Greif (Eds.), Handbook of key concepts in coaching (pp. 543-551). Berlin: Springer.
- Priebe, M.?, Szczepanska, T.?, Schr?der, T., Prytula, M., & D?rk, M. (2017). Potentials of participatory systems modelling in Brandenburg municipalities (Working Paper). [Application perspectives of participatory systems modelling in municipalities in the German state of Brandenburg]. Institute for Urban Futures, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
- *Wolf, I.?, R?hr, V.?, & Schr?der, T. (2017). Election data can inform simulations of innovation perception. Proceedings of the 2017 Social Simulation Conference (SSC-2017). Dublin, Ireland.
- *Z?ller, N.?, Wolf, I.?, & Schr?der, T. (2017). Political ideology and affective attitudes towards mobility innovation: Comparing survey responses and Twitter data. 3rd Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science. Cologne, Germany.
- Prytula, M., Schr?der, T., & Mieg, H. A. (2017). Inter- and transdisciplinarity. [In H. A. Mieg & J. Lehmann (Eds.), Research-based learning: How to renew university teaching (pp. 138-147). Frankfurt a. M.: Campus.
- *Wolf, I.?, Z?ller, N.?, & Schr?der, T. (2016). Quantifying persuasion: Experimental grounding of attitude-change simulations. Proceedings of the 2016 Social Simulation Conference (SSC-2016). Rome, Italy.
- von Lupin, M.?, Geuder, P.?, Leidinger, M.?, Schr?der, T., & D?rk, M. (2016). Emosaic - Visualizing emotions in texts through colour transformation for analysis and exploration. [Emosaic - Visualizing Emotions in texts through colour transformation for analysis and exploration] DHD 2016: Modelling, Visualization Networking. Conference proceedings of the 3rd conference of the Digital Humanities Association in the German-speaking world (pp. 263-266). University of Leipzig.
- *Jung, J., Hoey, J., Morgan, J. H., Schr?der, T., & Wolf, I.? (2016). Grounding networked interaction with affective intelligence. In R. Khoury & C. Drummond (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 29th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCAI) (pp. 52-57). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
- Rauenbusch, J.?, Ortgiese, M., Schr?der, T., Mrosek von Glischinski, M.?, Goehde, J.?, Hologa, S.?, Scheil, M.?, Veicht, J.-S.?, & Wiemer, P.? (2016). The mobility of tomorrow: A snapshot of the future in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Potsdam, Germany: Verlag der Fachhochschule Potsdam.
- Wolf, I.?, Gortana F., Herrmann, I., Thiele, P., Heidmann, F., & Schr?der T. (2015). Drag-and-drop cognition: Graphical user interface for cognitive-affective models in multi-agent systems. 2nd GESIS Winter Symposium on Computational Social Science Cologne.
- *Hoey, J., & Schr?der, T. (2015). Bayesian affect control theory of self. Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15). Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
- *Lin, L., Czarnuch, S., Malhotra, A., Yu, L., Schr?der, T., & Hoey, J. (2014). Affectively aligned cognitive assistance using Bayesian affect control theory. In Proceedings of the6th International Work Conference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8868, 279-287.
- *Thagard, P., & Schr?der, T. (2014). Emotions as semantic pointers: Constructive neural mechanisms. In L. F. Barrett & J. A. Russell (Eds.), The psychological construction of emotion (pp. 144-167). New York: Guilford.
- *Hoey, J., Schr?der, T., & Alhothali, A. (2013). Bayesian affect control theory. Proceedings of the5th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013) (pp. 166-172). EEEI Explore. doi:10.1109/ACII.2013.34.
- Schr?der, T. (2013). Heise, David - Expressive order: Confirming sentiments in social action. In R. Schützeichel & K. Senge (Eds.). Major works in the sociology of emotion (pp. 154-161). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- *Wolf, I.?, Nuss, J.?, Schr?der, T., & de Haan, G. (2012). The adoption of electric vehicles: An empirical agent-based model of attitude formation and change. In A. Koch (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (pp. 93-98). Salzburg: University of Salzburg.
- *Schr?der, T. (2012). Towards psychologically realistic agents: Simulating emotional coherence and identity maintenance in human communication. In A. Koch (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (pp. 75-79). Salzburg: University of Salzburg.
- Schr?der, T. (2012). Social interaction as verification of culturally shared sentiments. In A. Schnabel & R. Schützeichel (Eds.), Emotions, social structure and modernity (pp. 159-178). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Schr?der, T., Huck, J., & de Haan, G. (2011). Dissemination of social innovation. A future-oriented case study related to sustainable urban development. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Schr?der, T. (2009). Affect control theory as a general theory of social interaction. Berlin: dissertation.de/Humboldt-Universit?t.
Selected projects

SmartUpLab – Decision Support Tools for Integrated Mobility Systems
SmartUpLab develops an intelligently networked tool environment to support the introduction of innovative mobility systems.

Local Office Luckenwalde
Cooperation between the TH Wildau, the city of Luckenwalde and University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for a local office of the Brandenburg universities in the district town of Luckenwalde in the district of Teltow-Fl?ming.

EQUIP – Development of Quality and Interaction in Pedagogical Everyday Life
A cooperative practice research programme by University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam on quality development in early education

PaSyMo: Participatory System Modelling as a Tool for Integrated Urban Development
With PaSyMo, the Institute for Applied Research Urban Future develops digital tools for urban planning and participation processes.
THEMIS.COG: Theoretical and Empirical Modelling of Identities and Attitudes in Collaborative Groups
The research project THEMIS.COG investigates social and psychological mechanisms of self-organised cooperation.

SpaceForce: Affective Force Fields in Urban Space
What makes urban places attractive? This question is both scientifically and politically topical in view of urban challenges such as population growth, rising rents and intensified social segregation between more and less attractive city districts.