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- Prof. Dr. Stefan Thomas
Prof. Dr. Stefan Thomas

During the research semester, please contact by e-mail (see above)
Research focus
2024 Federal Ministry of Education and Research: ‘PowerMii: Empowerment Research Groups for Girls with Migration Background for Empowering Biographies in Vocational Schools in Rural Areas’ in cooperation with the University of Siegen, Berufskolleg Siegen and Internationaler Bund. PI with a total volume of 1,104,000 euros, PL FH Potsdam: 482,000 euros (Nov 2024-Okt 2027)
2022 Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Second funding round of the ‘Innovative University’ funding initiative in cooperation with Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences and Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. Total volume 15 million euros, PL for the start project ‘Strengthening Civil Society: Sustainability and Citizen Science’: around 300,000 euros (March 2023-Dec 2028)
2021 Federal Ministry of Education and Research: ‘The Rural Educational Environments of Young Refugees in VET’(laeneAs) in cooperation with the Catholic University of Eichst?tt. PI with a total volume of 713,000 euros, PL FH Potsdam: 442,000 euros (Oct 2021-Dec 2024)
2020 European Commission - Horizon 2020: ‘CoAct! Codesigning Citizen Social Science for Collective Action’ in a total project volume of 2.05 million euros led by the University of Barcelona together with the University of Vienna, Universidad Nacional de General San Martín (Argentina), Global Innovation Gathering, Open Knowledge International (UK) etc. PL of the sub-project ‘Methodological Toolkit for Citizen Social Science’ and the Research Action ‘Gender Equalities in Berlin’: 281,740 euros (Jan 2020-Dec 2022), EU Horizon 2020, 873048.
2019 Federal Ministry of Education and Research: ‘The Future(s) of Democracy: Communities of Solidarity in the Age of Populism in Europe’. Boost funding for the preparation of an application in the EU Horizon 2020 funding line in the amount of 11,600 euros (Feb 2019-Apr 2019)
2018 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg: ‘Unaccompanied minor refugees’ in the amount of 55,550 euros (Sep 2018-Dec 2018)
2017 Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Funding of a research symposium in the ‘Framework Programme for the Promotion of Empirical Educational Research’ for educational scientists for 26,300 euros together with Prof. Frauke Hildebrandt (May 2017-Feb 2018)
2017 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg: ‘Needs Analysis of Specialists in Inpatient Family-Analogue Educational Support bob体育平台官网s’ in the State of Brandenburg (Apr 2017-Jan 2018, 46,500 euros)
2016 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg: ‘Evaluation Study on the Situation and Care of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors’ in the amount of 153,300 euros (Nov 2016-Dec 2017)
2016 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg: ‘Preliminary Study on Biographies of Unaccompanied Minor Refugees’. 19,500 euros (April 2016-Aug 2016)
2016 Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth: ‘EQUIP Development of Quality and Interaction in Everyday Pedagogical Life’: PL for Module 1c: Children's Perspective in the Quality Development of Kitas (125,000 euros). Total project volume 1 million euros, May 2016-Dec 2019, PI: Prof. Frauke Hildebrandt,
2015 Federal Ministry of Education and Research: ‘Multigenerational Housing: Community and Intergenerational Transfer for a Self-Determined Life in Old Age’ (April 2016-April 2019, 359,600 euros)
Academic Positions
since 2020 Potsdam University of Applied Sciences: Research Professor at the Institute for Applied Research Urban Future
since 2012 Potsdam University of Applied Sciences: Professor of Social Research Methods and Social Work
2024 Portland State University: Visiting Scholar at the School of Social Work
2015-2017 Sigmund Freud University Vienna: Guest lecturer for research methods
2014 Parental leave
2012-2013 University of California, Berkeley: Visiting Scholar at the Center for Urban Ethnography
2012 Parental leave
2010-2012 Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin: Visiting Professor of Qualitative Research Methods (deputising for Prof. Dr Uwe Flick)
2010 Leuphana University Lüneburg: Lecturer for research methods in the Master's programme Prevention and Health Promotion
2009-2010 Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin: Visiting lecturer for qualitative research methods and theories and methods of social work
2008-2011 Freie Universit?t Berlin: Lecturer for research methods in the European Master in Children's Rights programme
2008 Part-time parental leave
2005-2009 Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin: Lecturer for research methods, scientific work and theories and methods of social work
2004-2005 University of California, San Diego: Visiting Scholar at the Department of Sociology with Aaron Cicourel and Hugh Mehan
2009 Dr phil. at the Free University of Berlin (summa cum laude)
1999 Diploma in Psychology at the Free University of Berlin (grade: 1.3)
Academic bob体育平台官网s
2021 Peer reviewer of the doctoral programme for applied social and educational sciences at Fulda University of Applied Sciences for the Hessian Ministry of Science
2020 Peer reviewer as ‘Invited Expert’ for the EU call ‘H2020-Swafs-2020-1’
Since 2017 Liaison lecturer of the Hans B?ckler Foundation
2018-2019 Accreditation of the Master's programme Childhood Studies and Children's Rights
2016-2021 Head of degree programme Master Childhood Studies and Children's Rights
2015 Chair of the Appointments Committee ‘Psychology with special consideration of social work with families, children and adolescents’
2015-2023 (Deputy) Chair of the Examination Board
2015 Chair of the Appointments Committee ‘Theory and Practice of Social Work in the Field of Child and Youth Welfare’
2014-2019 Member of the faculty council
2014 Chair of the appointments committee ‘Social work with children, young people and families with a focus on new media’
Professional Experiences
1998-2003 Treberhilfe Berlin e.V.: Outreach social work services and homes for social crisis intervention in young adults
1997-1998 ‘Gimme Shelter’ (Berlin): Social work assistant in a housing project for young adults
1996-1997 ‘Misfit’ (Berlin): Internship in a drug counselling centre
Literature (selection)
Bucher, J., Thomas, S., Korntheuer, A., & Albrecht, P. (in press). Postcolonial perspectives on refugee education. In M. Shuyab & C. Brun (eds.), Education for refugees: Theorising the Field. The British Academy.
Thomas, S., Bucher, J., & Korntheuer, A. (in press). Partizipative Rassismusforschung. In M. Bojad?ijev, P. Mecheril, P. Poutrus, & M. Quent (Hrsg.), Rassismusforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft, Studium und Praxis. Nomos.
Korntheuer, A., Bucher, J., Brandl, C., Thomas, S., & Albrecht, P. (2024). Praktiker*innenhandbuch: Gute Praxis für eine gelingende Berufsausbildung geflüchteter Menschen. BOD.
Thomas, S., Albrecht, P., Korntheuer, A., & Bucher, J. (2024). Researching Educational Barriers in Participatory Real-World Labs: Vocational Training of Refugees in Rural Counties in Germany. Frontiers in Education, 9 (Special Issue: Scrutinising Educational Responses to Migration: Critical Perspectives on Changes in Educational Practice, Policy and Research), https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1250886
Korntheuer, A., & Thomas, S. (2022). Participation of refugee youth in Germany’s VET system: Real-world labs as opportunities for co-constructive knowledge production and innovative practice transformation. In A.W. Wiseman (Hrsg.). Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021 (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 42A) (S. 25-34). Bingley: Emerald, https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-36792022000042A002
Thomas, S., Scheller, D., & Schr?der, S. (2021). In search of a citizen social science: the research forum as a participatory approach to research. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8, 244, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00902-x
Thomas, S. (2021). Wahrheit und Vernunft. Das Research Forum als methodologischer Rahmen partizipativer Forschung. In S. Flick & A. Herold (Hrsg.), Zur Kritik der partizipativen Forschung. Forschungspraxis im Spiegel der Kritischen Theorie (S. 41-64). Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
Thomas, S. (2021). Partizipatives Peer-Research mit Jugendlichen. Methodeninnovationen und Entwicklungsimpulse. In M. Dietrich, I. Leser, K. Mruck, P. S. Ruppel, A. Schwentesius, R. Vock (Hrsg.), Begegnen, Bewegen und Synergien stiften. Transdisziplin?re Beitr?ge zu Kulturen, Performanzen und Methoden (S. 37-54). Wiesbaden: Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-33632-5_3.
Thomas, S., Rothmaler, J., Hildebrandt, F., Budde, R., & Pigorsch, S. (Hrsg.). (2021). Partizipation in der Bildungsforschung (2., überarb. Aufl.). Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
Scheller, D., Thomas, S., Arnold, A., Wissenbach, K. R. et al. (2020). CoActD2.1: Report on State of the Art of Citizen Social Science. Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.607567
Thomas, S. (2021). Partizipative Forschung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Ein methodischer ?berblick. In Thomas, S., Rothmaler, J., Hildebrandt, F., Budde, R., & Pigorsch, S. (Hrsg.), Partizipation in der Bildungsforschung (2., überarb. Aufl., S. 16-66). Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
Rothmaler, J., Thomas, S., Hildebrandt, F., Pigorsch, S., & Budde, R. (2021). Partizipation als Gegenstand und Methode der Bildungsforschung - Zur Einführung. In Thomas, S., Rothmaler, J., Hildebrandt, F., Budde, R., & Pigorsch, S. (Hrsg.), Partizipation in der Bildungsforschung (2., überarb. Aufl., S. 7-14). Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
Thomas, S., Scheller, D., Ehmann, T., & Schr?der, S. (2020). Mehrgenerationenwohnen – Ein Leitfaden für Gemeinschaft und solidarisches Zusammenleben. Norderstedt: BoD.
Thomas, S., Scheller, D., Ehmann, T., & Schr?der, S. (2020). Mehrgenerationenwohnen in der Wohnbausiedlung - Ein Leitfaden für eine zukunftsweisende Wohnform. Norderstedt: BoD.
Thomas, S. (2020). Ethnografie. In G. Mey & K. Mruck (Hrsg.). Handbuch Qualitative Forschung in der Psychologie (2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Aufl., S. 1-21). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-18387-5_35-2
Bergold, J. & Thomas, S. (2020). Partizipative Forschung. In G. Mey & K. Mruck (Hrsg.). Handbuch Qualitative Forschung in der Psychologie (2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Aufl., S. 1-21). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-18387-5_25-2
Thomas, S., Rothmaler, J., Hildebrandt, F., Budde, R., & Pigorsch, S. (Hrsg.). (2020). Partizipation in der Bildungsforschung (1. Aufl.). Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
Thomas, S. (2019). Ethnografie. Eine Einführung (Reihe Qualitative Sozialforschung, Hrsg.: Flick, Lüders & Reichertz). Wiesbaden: Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-531-94218-6
Mohammed, S., Muhammed, H., Zalewski, I., & Thomas, S. (2019). Zur Partizipation von geflüchteten Jugendlichen im Peer-Forschungsprojekt ?Neu in Deutschland“: Ein Multilog zwischen Berufs- und Co-Forschenden. In M. K?ttig & D. R?h (Hrsg.), Soziale Arbeit in der Demokratie - Demokratief?rderung in der Sozialen Arbeit. Theoretische Analysen, gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und Reflexionen zur Demokratief?rderung und Partizipation (S. 185-195). Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
Thomas, S., Scheller, D., & Schr?der, S. (2019). Citizen Social Science. Das Research Forum als partizipative Forschungsmethodik. In Sandra Eck (Hrsg.), Forschendes Lernen – Lernendes Forschen. Partizipative Empirie in Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften (S. 103–117). Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
Thomas, S., Sauer, M., & Zalewski, I. (2018). Unbegleitete minderj?hrige Geflüchtete. Ihre Lebenssituationen und Perspektiven in Deutschland. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Sauer, M., Thomas, S., & Zalewski, I. (2018). Potentiale und Fallstricke von Peer-Research-Groups im Rahmen partizipativer Forschung mit unbegleiteten minderj?hrigen Geflüchteten. In C. Frank, M. Joo?-Weinbach, S. L. Molina & G. Schoyerer (Hrsg.), Auf dem Weg zum Gegenstand im Forschungsfeld der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe: Methodologische Herausforderungen in der qualitativen Forschung. (S. 222-244). Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
Markard, M., Mey, G., Scholz, J., Thomas, S., Rüppel, J. & Uhlig, T. D. (2017). Qualitative Forschung. Ein Weg zu einer kritischen Psychologie? Eine Podiumsdiskussion. In D. Heseler, R. Iltzsche, O. Rojon, J. Rüppel, & T. D. Uhlig (Hrsg.), Perspektiven kritischer Psychologie und qualitativer Forschung. Zur Unberechenbarkeit des Subjekts (S. 351-382). Heidelberg: Springer.
Thomas, S. (2017). Kritische Ethnographie in der Psychologie. In D. Heseler, R. Iltzsche, O. Rojon, J. Rüppel, & T. D. Uhlig (Hrsg.), Perspektiven kritischer Psychologie und qualitativer Forschung. Zur Unberechenbarkeit des Subjekts (S. 293-316). Heidelberg: Springer.
Lectures and exhibitions
2024 “Partizipative Citizen Social Science, Reallabore und das Research Forum. Konzeptuelle ?berlegungen und praktische Herausforderungen“, Vortrag auf der Fachtagung Forum Citizen Science 2024, Wissenschaft im Dialog, Hamburg, 9./10. Okt.
2024 Vortrag: ?Restriktive Asyl- und Migrationsregime als Bildungsbarriere und Ausgangspunkt lokaler Praxisentwicklung“. Dr. Arne B?ker (FH Potsdam), Judith Bucher, M.A. (Hochschule München), Prof. Dr. Annette Korntheuer (Hochschule München), Prof. Dr. Stefan Thomas (FH Potsdam), Konferenz Netzwerkstatt Fluchtforschung, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies, 17. Sep.
2024 Organisation des Panels: ?Die lokale Praxis der Inklusion junger Geflüchteter in das Berufsausbildungssystem“, Bonn, 16.-18. September, Dr. Arne B?ker (FH Potsdam), Judith Bucher, M.A. (Hochschule München), Prof. Dr. Annette Korntheuer (Hochschule München), Prof. Dr. Stefan Thomas (FH Potsdam), Konferenz Netzwerkstatt Fluchtforschung, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies, 17. Sep.
2024 Organisation des Panels auf der Konferenz der European Citizen Science Association, Vienna, 5. April: ?Rural Citizen Science: Fostering transformative change with rural communities“.
2024 ?Wissenstransfer zur ?berwindung von Bildungsbarrieren von Geflüchteten in der beruflichen Ausbildung. Potentiale von Reallaboren als Begegnungsr?ume von Wissenschaft und Praxis“, 29. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg, 12. M?rz.
2023 ?Die Rolle von Peer Researcher*innen in Citizen Science Projekten. Spannungsfelder von gemeinsamer Wissensproduktion und strukturellen Konservatismen“, Trinationaler Workshop Partizipative Forschung, Fachhochschule Salzburg, 15. Jun.
2022 Fachtagung ?Gute Praxis für eine gelingende Berufsausbildung geflüchteter Menschen“ an der Fachhochschule Potsdam im Rahmen des BMBF-Projekts ?laeneAs“, 24. Nov.
2022 ?L?ndliche Bildungsumwelten junger Geflüchteter in der beruflichen Ausbildung“ Konferenz Netzwerkstatt Fluchtforschung, Universit?t Chemnitz, 29. Sept.
2022 ?Citizen social science, real-world labs, and peer-research. A transdisciplinary and participatory approach for innovative solutions for refugees in vocational education and training” auf der ESPANET 2022, 15. Sept. an der Universit?t Wien.
2021 “Participatory Research Meets Citizen Science: A New Discourse for an Engaged Social Science Perspective”, 02. Sept., Vortrag auf dem Congress der European Sociological Association
2021 Guest-Speaker zum Thema “Role of science in processes of reconciliation and reappraisal: Research and agency”, 12. M?rz auf der Scientific Conference in the framework of the National Research Programme 76 “Reconciliation der Swiss National Science Foundation
2021 Workshop ?The Research Forum as a Methodological Foundation for Communication and Participation in Co-creational Citizen Social Science“, 17. Sept., an der Universit?t Barcelona auf der Summer School CoAct: Citizen Social Science
2020 Citizen science is social! Evening event with hands-on citizen social science, 14. September, Mitorganisator einer Abendveranstaltung auf der Konferenz “Knowledge for Change: Citizen Science SDG Conference”, Naturkundemuseum Berlin
2020 Participatory Citizens Social Science towards the SDGs, 15. September, Chair des Panels auf der Konferenz “Knowledge for Change: Citizen Science SDG Conference”, Naturkundemuseum Berlin
2020 Seven Principles for a Citizen Social Science, Vortrag am 8. September auf der International Conference der European Citizen Science Association in Trieste/online
2020 Chair des Panels “Towards a citizen social science methodology” 6.-11. September auf der International Conference der European Citizen Science Association in Trieste/online
2020 Understanding and Supporting Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking and Refugee Children and Young people, Vortrag auf der Konferenz der Baltic Sea Parliamentry Working Group Migration and Integration, 13. Januar, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin
Selected projects

CoAct – Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action
The EU research project "CoAct" pursues an innovative approach to participatory citizen research. The focus is on the further development of a Citizen Social Science (CSS) and its research methods. CoAct is funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program under the call "SwafS-15-2018-2019 - Exploring and supporting citizen science"

Resident Satisfaction in Disability Care
Participatory development of a survey instrument to determine the satisfaction of residents in assisted living projects for people with disabilities

laeneAS: The Rural Educational Environments of Young Refugees in Vocational Training
laeneAs identifies educational barriers and develops innovative educational offers for refugees in two rural real labs in Bavaria and Brandenburg.

MeGeWoPo: Multi-generational living in the "Platte"
Community and intergenerational transfer for a self-determined lifestyle in old age

Children in Crisis. Family Reunification after the Holocaust, War and Genocide
On 21 January 2019, the international workshop "Children in Crisis. Family Reunification after the Holocaust, War and Genocide" took place with participants from Germany, Israel and Poland.

EQUIP – Development of Quality and Interaction in Pedagogical Everyday Life
A cooperative practice research programme by University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam on quality development in early education

Evaluation of the Accommodation Situation of Unaccompanied Underaged Refugees in the State of Brandenburg
The evaluation study on the situation of unaccompanied minor refugees in Brandenburg builds on the findings of an explorative preliminary study and focuses on the subjective view of the young people.

Preliminary Study: Unaccompanied Underaged Refugees in Brandenburg
Preliminary study "Evaluation der Unterbringungssituation unbegleiteter minderj?hriger Geflüchteter im Land Brandenburg"