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- Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Rüdiger Lorenz
Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Rüdiger Lorenz

Monday 12:30 - 14:30 after registration by e-mail
Main fields of activity (research, teaching)
- Basic lectures and exercises on thermal, acoustic and moisture protection, energetics, sustainability balancing topics
- Building climate/comfort considerations
- Building physics and construction details over time
- Laboratory exercises on measurement techniques in classical building physics
Transfer and research
- Parallel optimisation of energy, building physics, building climate and user comfort using model calculations and building simulation (thermal, hygric, acoustic, fluidic)
- Development of customised building concepts and integral planning in early planning phases
- Measurement technology for component and building monitoring and for validating model calculations
Prof Rüdiger Lorenz studied physics at RWTH Aachen and has been Professor of Building Physics and Building Climatology at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since 2004. He teaches in the Departments of Civil Engineering and Architecture as well as in the Restoration programme at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and is head of the associated building physics laboratory. For 8 semesters, he was also a guest lecturer in the international Master's programme Integrated Architectural Design/International Facade Design and Construction at the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and works as a consultant.
From 2016 to 2022, he was also active as Vice President for Special Tasks – campus development. In this role, he advocated for the long-term functional development of the campus in terms of resources and sustainability in new construction and renovation projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
He has many years of experience in property consultancy for new buildings and refurbishment projects on building physics, building climate control and fa?ade technology. After a research project on building simulation at the University of Siegen, he switched to commercial consulting in 1994. He worked in three different engineering offices in Ratingen, Cologne and Berlin until 2011. He completed his 12-year tenure as head of the Building Physics and Building Climatology working group at Prof. Michael Lange GmbH with, among other things, the design and building physics/building climate development of the Schild Hybrid fa?ade for the new ECB high-rise building in Frankfurt.
As a scientific member of the Climate Protection Council of the City of Potsdam, headed by Mayor Jann Jakobs, he campaigned from 2008 to 2018 for a resource- and climate-friendly development of Potsdam and contributed to the Potsdam Masterplan "100% Climate Protection by 2050". He continues his efforts to promote forward-looking urban development in organisations such as Energie Forum Potsdam e.V.
Academic and professional background
- 06/2016 - 04/2022 FH-Potsdam, Vice President for Special Tasks - Campus Development
- since 03/2004 FH-Potsdam, Professorship for Building Physics and Building Climatology
Teaching: Building Physics / Building Climatology
for civil engineers, architects, restorers and,
Master of Building Conservation and Building in Existing Contexts
Research: Building physics and software laboratory - 04/2013 - 04/2017 Guest lecturer at IFDC (International Facade Design and Construction),
Ostwestfalen-Lippe Detmold University of Applied Sciences - Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Design
Teaching: Facade Comfort and Dimensioning - Lecture and module responsibility - 01/99 - 09/2011 Engineering office Michael Lange, facade technology and building physics
Activity: Establishment and management of the company's building physics and building climatology group,
Integrative planning of the building envelope, HOAI 1 - 8 - 7/97 - 12/1998 DS-Plan, engineering company for integrated building consulting and planning
Bauberatung und -planung mbH (Drees & Sommer AG, Stuttgart)
Activity: Building physics consultant for the Berlin project office - 10/1996 Expert for sound and heat insulation,
Recognised by the Chamber of Engineers Bau NRW - 1/94 - 6/1997 Richard Grün Institute, engineering office for
Building Physics and Refurbishment Planning, Ratingen
Activity: Development of the business area of computer-aided building simulation.
Building physics consulting HOAI 1 - 5, expertises - 5/92 - 12/1993 Research assistant at the University of Siegen
Project: Software laboratory for low-energy
and solar architecture (AG-Solar NRW)
Academic education
- 10/85 - 11/1991 Physics studies at the RWTH Aachen University
- Michette, M., Lorenz, R., Ziegert C., ?Clay barriers for protecting historic buildings from ground moisture intrusion“, Heritage Science2017 5:31
- Lorenz, R. (Beitrag in): 'Baudenkmale der Nachkriegsmoderne – bauklimatische Ertüchtigung und nachhaltige Instandsetzung' Felix Wellnitz, Annette Liebeskind, Roswitha Kaiser, Jürgen Klemisch, Rüdiger Lorenz, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag 2016, ISBN 978-3-8167-9570-4.
- Lorenz. R. 'Simulation statt Formalismen-Neue Potentiale für die denkmalgerechte Sanierungsplanung' Tagung Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz – Denkmal der Nachkriegsmoderne und der bauklimatischen Innovation – Der Sep-Ruf-Bau in Bonn, 02.09.2015.
- Wellnitz, F., Lorenz, R. 'Denkmalwerte und energetische Qualit?ten: Konflikt ohne L?sung?', BAUSUBSTANZ 03/2014.
- Lorenz, R. (Beitrag in): 'Die Sch?ne Stadt – Handbuch zum Entwurf einer nachhaltigen Stadtarchitektur', Hrsg: Klaus Theo Brenner, jovis Verlag 2010, ISBN 978-3868590920
- Lorenz, R.'Glasdoppelfassaden sind zukunftsf?hig' FACADE, Schweizerische Fachzeitschrift für Fenster und Fassadenbau 1/2009.
- Lorenz, R.:'Benchmark statt Bauchentscheid - Kennzahlen jenseits der normativen U- und g-Werte unterstützen die integrative Planung und Optimierung der Fassade', ift Fassadenberatertagung 2008 – The Green Building – Energieeffizienz durch innovative Fassaden, BMW-Welt München 09./10.07.2008.
- Lorenz R.:'Development of new facades by combined modelling of thermal sound and ventilation aspects at early design stages', Proceedings of the 10th IBPSA Conference, Bejing 09-2007.
- J. von Grabe, Lorenz R., Croxford B.:'Ventilation of double facades' Proceedings of the 7th IBPSA Conference, Rio de Janeiro 08-2001.
For further publications and lectures see personal website
Brandenburg State Teaching Award 2021 "Digitale Lehr- und Lernszenarien – die Chance in der Krise nutzen"
with the contribution "Labor Bauphysik":
Basic teaching, lecture components and practical exercises in the building physics laboratory were replaced by instructional videos with discussion rounds and a virtual laboratory environment. A repurposed whiteboard tool (MIRO) simulated the real laboratory situation by positioning graphic images of prepared device components in a plan display and connecting them logically instead of handling the devices manually.
In order to convey device handling and the assembly process more dynamically, static camera systems were used as well as camera systems carried "on the man". https://youtu.be/LPfAy-oebDE
Doctorate (cooperative)
- Wellnitz 2014 "Bauklimatische Ertüchtigung und nachhaltige Instandssetzung denkmalgeschützter Verwaltungsbauten der 1950er Jahre am Beispiel der ehemaligen Bayerischen Landesvertretung von Sep Ruf in Bonn"
Diploma and master theses (selection)
- 2018
Energiebilanz von Seminar- und Unterrichtsr?umen - Systematisierung der Einflussparameter und quantitative Analyse der normativ berücksichtigten Kriterien - 2017
Baukosten versus ?kobilanz bei Sanierungsvorhaben - Analyse und Konflikte mit ordnungsrechtlichen Vorgaben des EnEG - 2016
Bauteilanschlüsse monolithischer und mehrschaliger Bauweisen im Vergleich - instation?re Analyse der thermischen Eigenschaften - 2015
Bauteiloptimierung jenseits station?rer U-Werte - Integration von Nachhaltigkeitskriterien in die Planung der Au?enwandkonstruktion von Mehrfamilienh?usern
Abriss und Neubau oder energetische Modernisierung? - Untersuchung zur Energie- und CO2-Bilanz anhand eines Seminargeb?udes der FH Potsdam - 2014
Thermal Insulation VS Effective Ventilation and Shading in Hot Climates in terms of over all Energy Efficiency in Facades
Earthship-Konzept als Wohnbaualternative – Analyse und Vergleich anhand ausgew?hlter Nachhaltigkeitskriterien
High-tech- oder ?kostrategie als Sanierungsalternative für einen Hochschulbau – Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeitsvergleich gegenüber einer konventionellen L?sung - 2013
Thermal performance of double facades
Station?r normativ versus instation?r Untersuchungen zum Einflu? der Nachweismethodik auf die Planungsentscheidungen bei innen ged?mmten Wandaufbauten
Denkmalgerechter Entwurf, Konstruktion und bauphysikalische Optimierung einer Bürofassade aus den 50er Jahren
Influence of integrated solar control glazings on summerly loads and seasonal energy efficiency of double skin fa?ades using CFD (computational fluid dynamics simulation) and simplified node-models
Brandschutz bei vorgeh?ngten hinterlüfteten Fassaden - 2012
Wirkungsmechanismen und Einsatzm?glichkeiten von tonhaltigen Mauerwerksabdichtungen
Konzeptentwicklung zur energetischen Sanierung des ehemaligen Gerling-Hochhauses Berlin mit Schwerpunkt der kombinierten Optimierung von Bauklimatik und Schallschutz
Energetische Sanierung eines historischen Fachwerkhauses - bauphysikalische und konstruktive Aspekte von Innend?mmsystemen
Lebenszyklus-Analyse und Nachzertifizierung von Geb?uden im Hinblick auf Prim?renergiebedarf sowie Treibhauspotential
Entwicklung idealisierter Sanierungsvarianten zur Ermittlung des mit aktuell verfügbaren Bauteilen erreichbaren Optimierungspotentials der Nachhaltigkeit
Raumklima und Behaglichkeitsbewertung – Aufbau eines Messdummies, Entwicklung des Prüfprocedere sowie Testmessung mit Auswertung anhand eines Praxisbeispiels - 2011
Konzeptentwicklung für eine neue Nutzung des Waldhaus Areals in Berlin-Buch und Bewertung von baukonstruktiven Teilaspekten unter gestalterischen sowie bauphysikalischen Gesichtspunkten
Energetische Sanierung eines denkmalgeschützten Schulbaus - Beispielhafte Konzeption für die Eisenhart-Grundschule in Potsdam
Selected projects

Monitoring and Comparison FHP-Annex1/2 (House D, House A)
Two new buildings were commissioned on the campus of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in 2014 and 2017, testing future energy and technical standards for Brandenburg university construction.

Intensified Density – Small-Scale Redensification Using Modular Construction Methods
The Intensified Density project investigates whether densification of the suburbs / intermediate cities offers a sustainable solution compared to single-family housing developments and new large-scale projects.

Climate Influence on External Facades in Zanzibar and Germany
Master's thesis as part of the development of the city partnership between Zanzibar and Potsdam

Concept for the Sustainable Restoration and Energy-Efficient Refurbishment of the Former Bavarian State Representation in Bonn
The project is to evaluate the former Bavarian State Representation of Sep Ruf in Bonn from a structural, energy, monument preservation and economic point of view.

FOSTA – Building as a Steel Component System
Development of a component system in steel construction under consideration of architectural, constructive and energetic requirements

PR?VENT - Preventive Climate Management in Historic Buildings
The research project is dedicated to the protection of valuable cultural assets by optimising environmental and climatic conditions.