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Press release

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier is the new Anti-Discrimination Officer at FH Potsdam

In a unanimous decision by the Senate of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier was elected Anti-Discrimination Officer in October. This decision underlines the university's ongoing commitment to equal opportunities and the creation of a respectful environment for students, teaching staff and employees.

In his new role as Anti-Discrimination Officer , Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier will focus on developing and implementing preventative measures to prevent and combat discrimination in all its forms at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Commenting on his election, he said: "The position of Anti-Discrimination Officer comes with great responsibility. My main goal is to create an inclusive environment in which all members of the university community feel safe and respected. Everyone should be able to study, work and research at our university free from discrimination of any kind. We want to achieve this by raising awareness, providing resources and working closely with all members of the university."

The appointment of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier marks a further step by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam towards a discrimination-sensitive and inclusive learning and working environment. The university is committed to "Democracy and pluralism. Teachers and students treat each other with respect and openness in an inclusive and familiar atmosphere. [...] Respectful interaction and appreciation, even in the case of conflicting views, are seen at the FHP as a quality feature and a guarantee for open, cooperative and responsible cooperation. With all openness towards discourse and acceptance of diversity of opinion, the FHP opposes exclusionary behaviour and offers protection and support to all those affected by exclusion." (Teaching mission statement, 2020)

As a first step, the anti-discrimination officer developed the position paper "Diversity and Tolerance" together with other stakeholders from various areas of the university. In the context of current social developments, the position paper is intended to emphasise both the understanding of diversity and variety as well as the attitude towards discrimination and, in particular, anti-democratic movements. The position paper was presented, discussed and unanimously adopted as a resolution at the current Senate meeting on the 1st of November 2023.

Senate of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Judith Ackermann and Prof. Dr. J?rg R?der were re-elected as Senate Chairs at the Senate's constituent meeting in September. Both are delighted "to be able to intensively follow and shape the fortunes of the FHP together as Senate Chairs during a particularly exciting term of office". Judith Ackermann and J?rg R?der will alternate between chairing and deputising for the Senate. The regular term of office is two years and currently runs from the 1st of October 2023 to the 30th of September 2025.

Further information on the FHP Senate

Further information on the topic of anti-discrimination at the FHP