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- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra Wenisch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra Wenisch
Short biography
Petra Wenisch is Professor of Civil Informatics and Mathematics in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. She studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich and completed her doctorate at the Chair of Computational Engineering on the topic of Computational Steering of CFD Simulations on Teraflop Supercomputers. During her doctorate, she took over the project management for the research focus "Interactive Flow Simulation" and established a network with various computer centres and experts in the field of supercomputing and numerical flow simulation (e.g. Manfred Krafczyk, Ulrich Rüde, Günther Brenner, Alfons Hoekstra, computer centres in Munich, Erlangen and Amsterdam). Among other things, she received a European scholarship (HPC Europe), for a stay abroad as a visiting researcher at the Institute Computer Science of the Universteit van Amsterdam. She completed her dissertation in 2008 with the distinction "summa cum laude" and received, in addition to the Johannes B. Ortner Prize, the eon Kulturpreis Bayern for one of the best dissertations in Bavaria.
Curriculum vitae
Teaching & Research
- since September 2010: Professor of Construction Informatics and Mathematics at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- February 2002 - August 2010: research assistant at the Chair of Computational Engineering at the Technical University of Munich
- June 1995: A-levels at the Christoph Probst Gymnasium Gilching
- December 2001: Diplom-Ingenieur Univ., Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Munich
- February 2008: Doctorate in engineering (with distinction "summa cum laude") on the topic of Computational Steering of CFD Simulations on Teraflop-Supercomputers at the Chair of Computational Engineering at the Technical University of Munich
Peer-Reviewed journal articles
- Wright, H., Crompton, R. H., Kharche, S., and Wenisch, P.: Steering and Visualization: Enabling Technologies for Computational Science. Future Generation Computer System, Future Generation Comp. Syst. 26(3): 506-513 (2010).
- C. van Treeck, P. Wenisch, A. Borrmann, M. Pfaffinger, O. Wenisch and E. Rank: ComfSim - Interaktive Simulation des thermischen Komforts in Innenr?umen auf H?chstleistungsrechnern. Bauphysik 29(1), pp. 2-7. 2007.
- Wenisch, P., van Treeck, C., Borrmann, A., Rank, E., and Wenisch, O.: Computational Steering on Distributed Systems: Indoor Comfort Simulations as a Case Study of Interactive CFD on Supercomputers. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22(4):pp. 275–291 (2007).
- Borrmann, A., Wenisch, P., van Treeck, C., and Rank, E.: Collaborative Computational Steering: Principles and Application in HV AC Layout. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (ICAE), Vol. 13(4):pp. 361–376 (2006).
Book chapters
- Rank, E.; Borrmann, A.; Wenisch, P.: Virtual Engineering: Infomations-, Simulations- und Kooperationsmodelle für den ingenieurgerechten Entwurfsprozess. In: Jahrbuch 2007 der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, p. 129-139, Braunschweig: J. Cramer Verlag 2008 ISBN: 0931-1734.
- van Treeck, C.; Wenisch, P.; Pfaffinger, M.; Egger, M.; Scheck, L.; Rank, E.: Interactive Indoor Thermal Comfort Evaluation. In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich, Germany 2007.
- Wenisch, P., Wenisch, O., and Rank, E.: Harnessing High-Performance Computers for Computational Steering. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, Vol. 3666, pp. 536–543. Springer (2005).
- Wenisch, P., Wenisch, O., and Rank, E.: Optimizing an Interactive CFD Simulation on a Supercomputer for Computational Steering in a Virtual Reality Environment. In High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, pp. 83–93. Springer (2005).
Peer-reviewed conference papers
- Wenisch, P.; Wenisch, O.; Rank, E.: Design and Performance Aspects of a CFDComputational Steering Application, In: Proceedings of the Second International Confernce on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, Corsica, France 2011.
- van Treeck, C.; Pfaffinger, M.; Wenisch, P.; Frisch, J.; Yue, Z.; Egger, M.; Rank, E.: Numerische Simulation des thermischen Behaglichkeitsempfindens in Innenr?umen. In: IBPSA BauSIM2008, Kassel, Germany 2008.
- Borrmann, A.; Wenisch, P.; Egger, M.; van Treeck, C.; Rank, E.:Collaborative Computational Steering: Interactive collaborative design of ventilation and illumination of operating theatres. In: Proc. Intelligent Computing in Engineering (ICE 2008), Plymouth (UK): Best Paper Award 2008.
- van Treeck, C.; Pfaffinger, M.; Wenisch, P.; Yue, Z.; Egger, M.; Rank, E.: Towards Computational Steering of Thermal Comfort Assessment. In: IndoorAir2008, Copenhagen, Denmark 2008.
- Pfaffinger, M.; van Treeck, C.; Borrmann, A.; Wenisch, P.; Rank, E.: An interactive fluid simulator for the design of HVAC systems. In: Proc. of the 2007 ASCE Int. Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, ed. by L. Soibelman, B.Akinci, p. 583-590, Pittsburgh, PA, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers 2007, ISBN: 978-0-7844-0937-4.
- van Treeck, C., Wenisch, P., Borrmann, A., Pfaffinger, M., Egger, M., and Rank, E.: Computational Steering of Thermal Comfort Perception. In 2nd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics. TUM, Munich, Germany (2007).
- van Treeck, C., Wenisch, P., Borrmann, A., Pfaffinger, M., Egger, M., and Rank, E.: Utilizing High Performance Supercomputing Facilities for Interactive Thermal Comfort Assessment. In Proc. 10th Int. IBPSA Conference Building Simulation. Bejing, China (2007).
- van Treeck, C., Wenisch, P., Borrmann, A., Pfaffinger, M., Wenisch, O., and Rank, E.: Comfsim interaktive Simulation des thermischen Komforts in Innenraeumen auf Hoechstleistungsrechnern. In Tagungsband BauSIM 2006, pp. 205–207. IBPSA Germany, Munchen, Germany (2006). ISBN 978-3-00-019823-6.
- van Treeck, C., Wenisch, P., Borrmann, A., Pfaffinger, M., Egger, M., Wenisch, O., and Rank, E.: Towards Interactive Indoor Thermal Comfort Simulation In Proceedings of ECCOMAS CFD 06, European Conf. on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands (2006).
- Borrmann, A., Wenisch, P., van Treeck, C., and Rank, E.: Collaborative HVAC Design using Interactive Fluid Simulations: A geometry-focused Collaboration Platform. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Concurrent Engineering. Fort Worth, Texas, USA (2005).
- Wenisch, P., Borrmann, A., Rank, E., van Treeck, C., and Wenisch, O.: Collaborative and Interactive CFD Simulation using High Performance Computers. In 18th Symposium AG Simulation (ASIM) and EuroSim, pp. 145–151. SCS Publishing- House e.V. Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany (2005). ISBN 3-936150-41-9.
- Rank, E., Borrmann, A., Duester, A., Niggl, A., Nuebel, V., Romberg, R., Scholz, D., van Treeck, C., and Wenisch, P.: From Adaptivity to Computational Steering: The long Way of Integrating Numerical Simulation into Engineering Design Processes. In ADMOS 2005. CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain (2005).
- Wenisch, P., van Treeck, C., and Rank, E.: Interactive Indoor Air Flow Analysis using High Performance Computing and Virtual Reality Techniques. In 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent2004). Coimbra, Portugal (2004).
- Hardt, P., Kühner, S., Wenisch, O., and Rank, E.: Interactive CFD Simulation by Coupling Supercomputers with Virtual Reality. In High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering. Springer (2004). ISBN 3-540-44326-6.
- Kühner, S., Hardt, P., Krafczyk, M., and Rank, E.: Computational Steering of a Lattice-Boltzmann based CFD-solver in Virtual Reality. In Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. Virginia, USA (2003).
Other contributions
- Wenisch, P., van Treeck, C., Scheck, L., and Rank, E.: Computational Steering: Interactive Flow Simulation in Civil Engineering. Inside, Vol. 5(2) (2007).
- Wenisch, P.: Interactive Fluid Simulations: Computational Steering on Supercomputers. In Science and Supercomputing in Europe - report 2006: pp. 453-460 (2007). ISBN 978-88-86037-19-8.
- van Treeck, C., Wenisch, P., Borrmann, A., Wenisch, O., Kuehner, S., Toelke, J., Krafczyk, M., and Rank, E.: Computational Steering of Lattice-Boltzmann based CFD Simulations in Virtual Reality (hlrb i). In Research projects HLRB I (Hitachi SR8000) (2006).
- Borrmann, A., Wenisch, P., van Treeck C., and Wenisch, O.: Eine verteilte Architektur für synchrones kooperatives Arbeiten mit einer interaktiven Stroemungssimulation. In 16. Forum Bauinformatik. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany (2004). ISBN 3-8322-3233-8.
- Wenisch, P. and Wenisch, O.: Fast Octree-based Voxelisation of 3D Boundary Representation-Objects. Technical Report, Lehrstuhl für Bauinformatik, Technische Universit?t München (2004).
- Wenisch, P.: Kopplung von Hochleistungsrechner und Virtueller Realit?t. KONWIHR Quartl, Vol. 37 (2003).
- Hardt, P., Kühner, S., Rank, E., and Wenisch, O.: Interactive CFD Simulations by Coupling Supercomputers with Virtual Reality. Inside, Vol. 1(2):pp. 12–13 (2003).
- Hardt, P. and Crouse, B.: Pr?prozessor fur einen computergestützten Windkanal. Fortschritt-Berichte Vol. 4 In 14. Forum Bauinformatik, pp. 165–172. VDI Verlag, Bochum, Germany (2002). ISBN 3-18-318104-5.
- Hardt, P.: Entwicklung eines Moduls zur Definition von str?mungsmechanischen Randbedingungen als Attribute von 3D CAD-Geometrien. Diplomarbeit, Lehrstuhl für Bauinformatik, TU München (2001).
Awards and scholarships
- December 2008: Prize of the Johannes B. Ortner Foundation for the dissertation
- October 2008: Kultupreis Bayern of the Eon AG, category universities, for the dissertation
- January - February 2006: Research fellowship "High-Performance Computing in Europe" at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Section computational Science
- October 2003: Golden Spike Award 2003 of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart
- October 1998 - December 2001: Fellowship of the Hans Rudolph Foundation
Supervised Master and Diploma Theses
- June 2007: Kollinger, M.:Definition str?mungsmechanischer Randbedingungen für interaktive CFD Simulationen (In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Leibniz Rechenzentrum München-Garching)
- Aug. 2006: Cenic, N.: Development of Thermal Comfort Temperature Sensors Using a CFD Simulation based on the Lattice-Bolzmann Method (In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Frauenhofer Institut für Bauphysik, Holzkirchen)
- May 2006: Ritzkova, H.: Adaptive Dachtragwerke – Programmierung einer Anbindung zwischen dem Adaptionsprogramm und dem Program Rahmen in C++ (In Zusammenarbeit mit dem LS für Holzbau und Baukonstruktion, TU München)
- Sept. 2004: Marcheix, L.: A 3D User Interface for a Virtual Environment
Selected projects
New Ways into the FH;P – Summer School and Study-Related Courses
"Neue Wege in die FH;P" is a pilot project of the Department of Civil Engineering funded by the Ministry of Economics, Research and Culture from the European Social Fund, which is divided into the two sub-projects summer school and study-accompanying courses.