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Promoting Young Academics

The promotion and qualification of young academics is one of our central tasks. We would like to support you on your career path and offer you a variety of further training and development prospects. New opportunities and challenges await you!

Funding opportunities for young researchers

Doctoral degree funding

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam generally awards doctoral degree funding positions for up to three suitable persons per year. We explicitly encourage female junior researchers to apply. The funding (TV-L E 13, 50 % VZ?) is initially for six months and can be extended to a maximum of 12 months. The criteria and application procedure are defined in the guidelines for the final funding of doctorates at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Women's promotion fund

The women's promotion fund is an equality-promoting measure for gender-sensitive personnel development within the framework of the Female Professors Programme III at the University of Applied Sciences: Young female academics are to be offered incentives for publication, individual qualification, profiling and networking. The central equal opportunities commissioner will inform you about funding conditions and application modalities.

FHP Innovation fund

The Innovation fund offers funding opportunities to realise innovative and/or profile-building projects in studies and teaching as well as research and transfer. The approved funds can be spent on both personnel and material resources. Further information can be found on the innovation fund pages

Publication fund for open access monographs of the state of Brandenburg

The publication fund for open access monographs of the state of Brandenburg provides members of the eight Brandenburg universities with a funding opportunity for monographs and similar publication formats as well as innovative projects in this area. The funding instrument is endowed with 100,000 euros per year for the years 2021 to 2023.



Sie sitzen vor einem leeren Blatt, hadern mit einer Schreibblockade oder wissen nicht genau, wie ein wissenschaftliches Paper auszusehen hat? Holen Sie sich Unterstützung und lassen Sie sich bei Ihrem Schreibprozess coachen.

Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Angebote der Potsdam Graduate School

Sie promovieren und haben Ihre*n Betreuer*in an der Universit?t Potsdam? Dann k?nnen Sie das Angebot der Potsdam Graduate School zum angegebenen Selbstkostenpreis wahrnehmen. Sie promovieren mit einem Arbeitsvertrag an der FHP und/oder haben an der FHP Ihre*n Betreuer*in? Dann k?nnen Sie dieses Angebot ebenfalls wahrnehmen, müssen jedoch vorab kl?ren, wie die anfallenden Kosten für die FHP als Partnereinrichtung der Potsdam Graduate School finanziert werden (z. B. Projekt, Personalentwicklungs-Budget für Ihren Fachbereich). Falls dieses bereits ausgesch?pft ist, wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Angebote des Postdoc Networks Brandenburg

Das Postdoc Network Brandenburg (PNB) f?rdert promovierte und akademisch-künstlerisch ausgebildete Wissenschaftler*innen im Land Brandenburg.

Contact and advice

Dr. rer. pol. Sylvia Schmid
Consultant for Academic Human Resources Development and Project Coordinator P?Dual