Evaluation of the university-wide study and teaching conditions
The Studies and Teaching Unit coordinates the university-wide evaluation of the study and teaching conditions. The results, in combination with other data, form the basis for a continuous improvement process of the University of Applied Science Potsdam and its degree programmes.

Evaluation Process
The evaluation of the study and teaching conditions is based on the following three-pillar model:
- Evaluation of study and teaching conditions (student, graduate and teacher surveys)
- Evaluation of the degree programmes
- Course evaluation.
The evaluation of the study and teaching conditions is carried out university-wide. It serves to review and further develop the study and teaching conditions in the overall view of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. In order to enable long-term studies and a more target group-specific evaluation, the panel survey method is used. The results of the individual surveys and the panel are processed by the ZESL and forwarded to the president's council, the departments and the student representatives for further use (deadline: 30.11).
University-Wide Surveys
Programme and Course Evaluation
The annual evaluation of the degree programmes as well as the course evaluation that takes place every semester are the responsibility of the departments or those responsible for the degree programmes.
Survey software
The FH Potsdam provides the online survey service Quamp, which is offered by Sociolutions GmbH, for all surveys. Conducting surveys with Quamp is data protection compliant and all costs are covered by the framework agreement. The software can be used by all members and affiliates of the FH Potsdam.
If other survey software is to be used, the user must provide proof that this survey software guarantees the anonymisation of respondents in the same way. In this case, please contact the data protection commissioner before starting the survey.
- No. 339339 - Satzung zur Evaluation von Studium und Lehre an der Fachhochschule Potsdam (PDF, 83.85 KB)Au?er Kraft ab 11.3.2025; aktuelle Satzung siehe ABK Nr. 475Contact: Studies and Teaching Unit
- No. 444444 - Satzung zur Evaluation von Studium und Lehre des Fachbereichs Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaften der Fachhochschule Potsdam ?Lehr- und Studienqualit?t sichern und f?rdern“ (PDF, 539.25 KB)Die Evaluationssatzung des Fachbereichs Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaften regelt Evaluationen am Fachbereich, die der Qualit?tsentwicklung von Lehre und Studium dienen.
Au?er Kraft ab 11.3.2025; aktuelle Satzung siehe ABK Nr. 475 - No. 451451 - Satzung zur Evaluation von Studium und Lehre des Fachbereichs Stadt | Bau | Kultur an der Fachhochschule Potsdam (PDF, 539.38 KB)Evaluation von Lehre und Studium/Studienbedingungen am Fachbereich Stadt | Bau | Kultur der Fachhochschule Potsdam.
Au?er Kraft ab 11.3.2025; aktuelle Satzung siehe ABK Nr. 475Contact: CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department - No. 425425 - Satzung zur Evaluation von Studium und Lehre des Fachbereichs Informationswissenschaften an der Fachhochschule Potsdam (PDF, 359.32 KB)Au?er Kraft ab 11.3.2025; aktuelle Satzung siehe ABK Nr. 475Contact: Information Sciences Department