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Cultural Fundraising

Basics – Strategy – Practice
Gestikulierende H?nde von mehreren Personen

Apply for funding, but to whom? Or would a fundraising campaign be better? Then maybe crowdfunding? If you want to understand better how cultural funding works, our training programme is the perfect course for you. We provide you with in-depth knowledge of funding programmes, strategic acquisition and innovative financing methods such as crowdfunding. Our practice-oriented training gives you the opportunity to deepen your expertise and successfully finance your projects.

Free places
Registration end:
Certificate Course
University certificate

4 ECTS credit points


Basic knowledge of practical cultural work

Participation fee:

2,490 euros (5 % discount for FHP alumni)

Educational leave:

Recognised in Brandenburg and Berlin

At a glance

In the cultural sector, many people - especially freelancers - are faced with the key question of how they can access financial resources for their projects. In this further education course, we work together to develop the basics of cultural funding and funding law, familiarise ourselves with various funding methods in non-profit management and develop strategies for successful acquisition. The modules offer a structured overview of public cultural funding, fundraising basics as well as professional acquisition techniques and innovative financing methods such as crowdfunding.

Presentation and feedback: At the end of the course, you will have developed your own financing concept for your cultural project, which you will present to the group of participants in the last module.


  • Anwendung des Gemeinnützigkeitsrechts auf praxisrelevante Fragestellungen
  • Arbeitsvertragsrecht von der Einstellung bis zur Kündigung
  • Steuerrechtliche Grundlagen für gemeinnützige Organisationen
  • Regelungen zur Scheinselbstst?ndigkeit 
  • Betriebsverfassungsgesetz
  • Rechtliche Aspekte des Arbeitszeugnisses
  • Erkennung und Umgang mit rechtlichen Auswirkungen auf die Organisation
  • Notwendigkeit und Einschaltung professionellen Rechtsbeistands


  • Theoretical and practice-orientated inputs
  • Work on case studies and participants' topics
  • Plenary discussions
  • small group or single work, exercises, presentations

Target group

  • professionals from the arts and culture and related fields
  • freelancers who are new to fundraising or would like to deepen their knowledge of fundraising



Unit 1: Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht 

  • Vertiefendes Wissen über steuerrechtliche Grundlagen der Abgabenordnung, des Umsatzsteuergesetzes und weiterer steuerrelevanten Regelungen sowie über praxisrelevante Bedeutung des Steuerrechts für gemeinnützige Vereine und GmbHs.
  • F?higkeit, dieses Wissen auf rechtliche Fragestellungen in der eigenen sozialen Organisation anzuwenden und deren Wirkung auf die Organisation einsch?tzen zu k?nnen.
  • Kompetenz zu erkennen, wann professioneller Rechtsbeistand notwendig ist.

Unit 2: Arbeitsrecht 

  • Vertiefendes Wissen über Arbeitsvertragsrecht und die F?higkeit, dieses Wissen bei Problemstellungen anzuwenden: von der Einstellung bis zur Kündigung, über das Problem ?Scheinselbstst?ndigkeit“ bei Honorarkr?ften und anderen Freiberuflern sowie wichtigste Regelungen des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes. 
  • Kompetenz, ein Arbeitszeugnis rechtlich fundiert zu erstellen. 
  • F?higkeit zu erkennen, wann professioneller Rechtsbeistand notwendig ist.

Registration & Information

ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10
Stephanie Teichler
Coordination ZEW & Project Recognition and Crediting

Modules & Contents

  • Cultural sector: introduction to the structure and special features of the cultural sector

  • Basic terms: clarification and definition of basic terms in the context of cultural financing

  • Financing in non-profit management: discussion of financing mechanisms and strategies in non-profit management

  • Strategic acquisition: in-depth study of the strategic approach to acquiring resources

After reflecting on the structural characteristics of the cultural sector, you will develop the basic concepts of cultural financing. Building on this, the most important mechanisms and financing strategies in non-profit management will be discussed on the basis of case studies – ideally from your professional practice. On this basis, you will define the requirements for strategic acquisition in the cultural sector.

  • Public funding bodies: analysis of the various public funding bodies in the cultural sector

  • Funding programmes: examination of common funding programmes and their criteria

  • Funding law: understanding and applying the legal aspects associated with grants

The awarding of grants by public funding bodies follows its own logic, which you will analyse using practical examples. You will examine current funding programmes from various funding bodies and reflect on the criteria used to award grants. This analysis is deepened by an understanding of the legal aspects, in particular the law on grants.

  • Basic concepts of fundraising

  • Presentation of different methods and fundraising instruments

  • In-depth consideration of donation and sponsorship opportunities

  • Application of fundraising strategies based on specific practical examples

Here you will gain a differentiated understanding of the basic concepts and assumptions in the context of fundraising. The focus is on acquiring donations and sponsorship. Based on (own) practical examples, concrete strategies of cultural organisations and projects in fundraising are analysed and evaluated.  

Funding research: Explanation of effective methods for identifying potential funders

  • Application: step-by-step guide to successfully submitting an application
  • Job profiles: insight into various job profiles in the field of acquisition
  • Work on your own project: practical implementation of the acquired knowledge based on your own projects

In this module, you will learn about and apply effective methods for identifying potential sponsors. Based on this, you will go through a concrete application step by step – using your own examples if you wish.

  • Crowdfunding: analysing crowdfunding methods and their application in the cultural sector
  • Personalised advice and support for your projects

The module focuses on how crowdfunding works and how it can be used profitably in the cultural sector. We cooperate with the crowdfunding agency startnext – one of the market leaders in the sector. You will have the opportunity to work on your crowdfunding concept and receive direct feedback from a startnext expert.


  • Presentations: presentation of the financing concept for your cultural institution
  • Feedback: an exchange takes place within the group of participants to share insights, ideas and experiences
  • Conclusion and issue of certificates

In the final module, you will present your cultural project and apply the newly acquired skills to it. You will receive direct feedback based on the peer counselling method. The training programme concludes with the issue of certificates.