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Childcare on the Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The childcare services at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, which have been free of charge since January 2022, offer the highest flexibility for our families with their format. At the same time, they create a reliable offer for the compatibility of studies, work and family with professionally competent educational offers and pedagogically trained staff.

Our childcare services at a glance

Whether flexible childcare or offers such as holiday workshops, family rooms and day care for children - we will work with you to find the right solution for your personal childcare needs.

The Flexible Childcare is a facility of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, which is realised in cooperation with Kinderwelt gGmbH. Here, children from the age of one are cared for by qualified staff from students and employees of the university on an hourly basis, but for a maximum of 12 hours per week. Care is provided in the family room in House 5, Room 001/002, as well as in the play areas on campus. Saturday care is possible on request. The KuKi rooms in Breite Stra?e are used for this purpose. Care is not offered on Sundays and public holidays. Flexible childcare is a childcare concept that supplements the daycare centre and is free of charge for our families. Depending on the childcare situation, younger school children can also be accepted.

Parents who would like to use Flexible Childcare must arrange an information meeting with the family representative so that child-friendly care can be organised and individual needs are taken into account. For children under three years of age, registration is ideally necessary at least six weeks in advance in order to be able to adequately plan staffing and settling in. Short-term care needs are discussed and planned individually.

With Kinderwelt gGmbH, we have an experienced partner in flexible childcare for university staff in the state of Brandenburg at our side.

If you are interested in this service, please contact the FAMteam. You can find the concept for flexible childcare here.

With this family support service, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam 2022 reacted to the steadily growing number of students and employees with family responsibilities as well as the number of young families in the surrounding districts. The university and the parent-child group of Kinderwelt gGmbH act together as a local contact point with specialist pedagogical support that helps families with their tasks, problem solving and everyday hurdles. In the parent-child group with pedagogical support, families can feel perceived in their diversity and be accepted into a community of interest at a low threshold. The service is financed by the state capital Potsdam.

The tasks and goals of the parent-child group are based on the family situation of the families. The group is based on the fact that parents who otherwise look after their children at home accompany them to the group, thus creating a social support system. A meeting place is also created for employees on parental leave or in a transitional phase to daycare. For newly appointed professors, this childcare model facilitates their start at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Parents organise and determine the various activities and the daily schedule with the help of the educational staff. The spacious family room of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as well as an adjoining sleeping and resting room are available for the programme. The rooms are located in House 5 Room 002 on campus. The Department of Education and Social Sciences is located there, as well as two day care centres, the Family Centre and the FAMteam as a representative of the family-friendly university.

The parent-child group takes place Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with advance registration and is aimed at parents with children between zero and six years of age.

In cooperation with the FAMteam of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Bachelor's programme "Education and Upbringing in Childhood", low-threshold offers are being developed, such as a family café or thematically related impulses (workshops). It is also planned to involve students from the social and educational science programmes in short and long-term internships.

Further information and contact details can be found on the website of Spielgruppe PLUS

We always offer our holiday workshops in the first week of the summer holidays and also in the first week of the autumn holidays to relieve you during the working and lecture periods. And, because we enjoy making discoveries with children: in the university, in parks, museums and exhibitions or in a waterworks, lost property office or print shop. We usually organise the summer holidays ourselves and in the autumn we like to invite experts who, with the support of students of early childhood education, organise a week on a particular theme. We focus on the children's needs for time for their own activities and joint activities.

The holiday workshops are offered to a maximum of 15 children of university staff aged 6 - 12. The workshops are currently financed with funds for gender equality measures from the Professorinnenprogramm III. You can find the respective holiday programme under News. We will inform you in good time about the respective offer and you can register with the FAMteam by e-mail.

The workshops in 2023 will take place in the first week of the summer holidays, from 17.07. - 21.07.2023, and the autumn holidays, from 23.10. - 27.10.2023.


At times when childcare is not offered by the FAMteam, you have the opportunity to organise childcare among yourselves.

You can use the family room if you look after your own child or children of fellow students and thus enable each other to attend courses. You can obtain the key for the family room by registering in advance at (by email to and paying a deposit (student ID or ID card for staff) at the information desk in the main building.

In the cafeteria you will find a designed family place for meeting and exchanging ideas, which you can also use as an extension to the family room to look after your children. If the cafeteria is closed, please use room 1.13 in the main building, which we will continue to develop as a family room from the winter semester 2022/23. You will also find a baby changing room in the main building, in room 0.25.

On the campus of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Andrea Britz and Steffi Parlitz look after up to 10 Potsdam children under the age of 3 in private day care in House 5. Opening hours are daily from 08:00 - 15:30. Upon request, the family representative can put university staff in touch with the childcare centre if there are free places. As a rule, places become available in September.

Would you like to make your own inquiries? You can reach the day care center at these numbers:

  • Andrea Britz – Kleine Stadtfüchse: 0171-8349445
  • Steffi Parlitz – Kleine Entdecker: 0170-9932500

Children from the age of 1 until they enter the 5th grade of school have a legal right to education, care and support in a day-care centre or another day-care facility. Children up to the age of 1 and children in grades 5 and 6 have a legal entitlement under certain conditions. The provision of regular childcare services is the responsibility of the municipalities. If you are interested in a regular childcare offer, please contact your local youth welfare office. For Potsdam, the organisational work is taken over by the childcare place service Kita-Tipp.


At the moment, we prefer initial contact by e-mail. Please write briefly to about your concerns and how we can best reach you. To make the counselling sessions as personal as possible, we conduct video counselling sessions via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.