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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualit?t

Organisational unit
    Portr?t Mechthild Noll-Minor

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dipl.-Rest. Mechthild Noll-Minor

    On the occasion of her appointment as Honorary Professor of Restauration in Monument Conservation at the Department of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Prof. Dipl.-Rest. Mechthild Noll-Minor will give her inaugural lecture entitled "Restauration in the Conservation of Monuments: Highlights, Structures and…

    Gruppenbild mit Agentur BRANDCODE bei der Preisverleihung der Splash Awards
    Marketing und Content-Management

    Press release

    Innovative Digital Presence: Agency BRANDCODE wins Splash Award 2023 for FHP Relaunch

    The Munich agency BRANDCODE has been honoured with the prestigious Splash Award. The coveted award recognises the best Drupal projects in Germany and Austria and honours outstanding digital projects and innovative solutions. The relaunch of the university website was realised by their own…

    Rednerpult in einem H?rsaal der FH Potsdam
    Senate Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
    University policy

    Press release

    Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier is the new Anti-Discrimination Officer at FH Potsdam

    In a unanimous decision by the Senate of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier was elected Anti-Discrimination Officer in October. This decision underlines the university's ongoing commitment to equal opportunities and the creation of a respectful environment…

    Logo Deutschlandstipendium
    Social and Educational Sciences CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Civil Engineering Design Information Sciences President's Council

    Press release

    Deutschlandstipendien awarded to 25 Students

    In the 2023/24 funding period, 25 out of 78 applicants were awarded a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. The outstanding students receive 300 euros per month for one year. Since the start of the programme, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, together with many partners and the Federal…

    Studierende vor dem Hauptgeb?ude der FH Potsdam im Sommer
    President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    Around 1.78 Million Euros for Energy Resilience at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    - Dr. Manja Schüle, Minister of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK), hands over funding decision from the Brandenburg package totalling around EUR 1.78 million - University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) plans construction measures for sustainable energy efficiency Brandenburg's Minister of…

    Krippensituation, Kinder spielen mit Bausteinen
    Social and Educational Sciences IFFE

    Press release

    Strong for the Youngest: Scientific Conference "Protecting Children's Rights in Daycare Centres"

    For around 15 years, an increasing number of younger children have been spending more and more time in daycare centres. Crèches, daycare centres and childminders must be safe places where the rights of all children are protected, where they can experience self-determination and co-determination…

    Abstrakte Darstellung von Datenstr?men
    Information Sciences

    Press release

    Standardising the Management of Research Data: Joint Project provides Impetus for Implementation

    Research projects generate large amounts of data – often in the form of tables, measurements and surveys. These are increasingly available in digital form and can be accessed by partners inside and outside the universities. In order to make the information findable and usable in the long term, TH…

    Logo of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents
    President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    BLHP: Statement on the Events in Israel

    We are deeply saddened by Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israel and we expressly condemn them. We join the calls for dialogue between the parties to the conflict, for a rapid peace settlement and, in particular, for the protection of human lives. This latest conflict emphasises the urgency of finding…

    Potsdam Lab in der Wissenschaftsetage im Bildungsforum Potsdam
    CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Information Sciences Design

    Press release

    Opening of POTSDAM LAB – A Space for the Future

    The POTSDAM LAB will open its doors on the 14th of October 2023. As part of the Smart City model project, the POTSDAM LAB has created a space for experimentation, learning and encounters between citizens, science and administration. The aim is to work together on new and creative solutions to key…

    Werbeflyer Weltm?dchentag 2023
    Family Affairs Commissioner

    Press release

    International Girls' Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    Wednesday, the 11th of October, is International World Girls' Day. As a global day of action, it gives girls a voice and makes their needs visible. World Girls' Day has existed since 2011 and calls for an international commitment to the rights of girls and young women. The University of Applied…

    Keyvisual Weiterbildungsmarkt 2023; Eine Gruppe von Personen sitzt mit Laptops um einen Tisch herum; über dem Bild liegt eine Grafik mit kleinen Quadraten in verschiedenen Blaut?nen und verschiedenen Transparenzstufen;  Text: "Weiterbildungsmarkt 2023 - Lebenslanges Lernen. Wie geht es weiter?"
    Further Education

    Press release

    Further Education Market 2023: Focus on Adult Education and Working Environments

    The Centre for Further and Continuing Education (ZEW) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is organising the Continuing Education Market 2023 on the 21st of September. Under the motto "Lifelong Learning", the Continuing Education Market 2023 offers an innovative platform for discussions and…

    Fachtagung Kinderarmut
    Social and Educational Sciences

    Press release

    FR?BEL Symposium on Dealing with Families affected by Poverty

    The nationwide FR?BEL symposium took place today at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Lord Mayor Mike Schubert and FR?BEL Managing Director Stefan Spieker opened the event.