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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualit?t

Organisational unit
    Aufruf zum Schinkel-Wettbewerb

    Press release

    AIV Schinkel Competition "über:morgen": FHP Students honoured with Special Prizes

    The winners of the 169th AIV Schinkel Competition have been announced. Architecture students from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) are among the honoured works. They received two of this year's special prizes.

    Illustration für den Ideenwettbewerb InNoWest, Gehirn dargestellt als Apfel mit Ideen als Früchteit
    Research & Transfer

    Press release

    InNoWest: Ideas for sustainable digitisation projects wanted!

    The research and innovation project "InNoWest - Simply do it! Sustainable and digital together in North and West Brandenburg" is looking for project ideas in the field of sustainable digitalisation. Selected proposals will then be implemented. The competition is aimed at local authorities, civil…

    Filmplakat zur Frauentagswoche 2024
    Equal Opportunities Commissioner

    Press release

    Feminism Today – Potsdam Universities with Documentary Film and Performance for Women's Week

    The Equal Opportunities Offices of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF as well as the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities of the University of Potsdam invite you to a joint event in the cinema of the Potsdam Film Museum on the occasion of…

    Logo der Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle zu Open Access in Brandenburg
    Networking and Competence Centre Open Access Brandenburg

    Press release

    Successful implementation of the Open Access strategy in Brandenburg: VuK and AG Open Access Monitoring publish report

    The Brandenburg Open Access Networking and Competence Centre (VuK) has published a comprehensive monitoring report in collaboration with the Brandenburg Open Access Monitoring Working Group. This marks a key milestone in the implementation of Brandenburg's Open Access strategy from 2019.

    Team Sozialmanagement Weiterbildung FH Potsdam
    Further Education
    Further education

    Press release

    From summer 2024: CAS further education in social management

    The Potsdam University of Applied Sciences is expanding its range of courses from the summer semester 2024 to include Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) programmes in social management. Four programmes, each with 300 hours, offer practice-oriented insights into various aspects of social…

    Collage: Frau steht auf Papierflieger mit Glühbirne unter dem Arm, Buch und Laptop auf den Flügeln, Zahnr?der hinter der Frau
    Start-up bob体育平台官网
    bob体育平台官网 information

    Press release

    Career catalyst: Work@Heart accompanies students on their career path

    The study-accompanying programme for career entry in Brandenburg offers students guidance in choosing a career, provides targeted training in skills that will help them find their (dream) job and supports them in building a solid network.

    Logo of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents
    President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    BLHP calls for stronger cooperation in digitalisation

    The Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents (BLHP) has submitted a position paper to the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK) that highlights the strategic cornerstones for strengthening cooperation in the field of digitalisation.

    Studierende vor dem Hauptgeb?ude der FH Potsdam im Sommer
    President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam convinces Science Council

    In a joint press conference with the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK), the Science Council today presented its report on the Brandenburg higher education system and made recommendations for further development. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) is delighted with the…

    Logo ForuM-Studie
    Social and Educational Sciences

    Press release

    ForuM Research Network presents Research Findings on Sexualised Violence in Protestant Churches and Social Welfare Organisations in Germany

    ForuM study: Results show a higher extent than previously known, serious consequences for those affected and a late and inadequate response to sexualised violence by the Protestant church.

    Portrait Felix Sch?fer
    Information Sciences

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Felix Sch?fer

    On the occasion of his appointment as part-time professor for "Digitisation of Archives and Collections" at the Department of Information Science, Prof. Dr. Felix Sch?fer will give his inaugural lecture on the 29th of January 2024 entitled "What do we do with 1 million scans? Or: Open GLAMour at the…

    Prof. Dr. Vera Allmanritter

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Vera Allmanritter

    On the occasion of her appointment as Honorary Professor of Culture and Management at the Department of CITY I BUILDING I CULTURE, Prof. Dr. Vera Allmanritter will give her inaugural lecture entitled "The cultural audience of the future. How can cultural institutions become sustainable 'places of…

    Portrait Prof. Dr. Ronny Sorge
    Civil Engineering

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ronny Sorge

    On the occasion of his appointment as Professor of Planning and Construction of Traffic Routes at the Department of Civil Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ronny Sorge holds his inaugural lecture entitled "The Future of Road Construction".