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- Prof. Dr. Gerlind Gro?e
Prof. Dr. Gerlind Gro?e
By appointment by e-mail
Main fields of activity (research, teaching)
- Applied research in the field of practice development and transfer in early childhood education
- Basic research in the field of social-emotional and communicative development in early childhood
- Practice transfer in the area of school development and pedagogical architecture
- Collaboration in the Early Childhood Education Research Working Group (AGFBF)
- Grosse, G., & Streubel, B. (2024). Emotion-specific vocabulary and its relation to emotion understanding in children and adolescents. Cognition and Emotion, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2024.2346745
- Gro?e, G., & Krapf, A. (2023). ?Wie f?ngt man an?“ Inklusive und sozialraumorientierte Schule in herausfordernder Lage neu etablieren – Herausforderungen, Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse der Leipziger Modellschule (LEMO). In S. Schuppener, N. Leonhardt, & R. Kruschel (Hrsg.), Inklusive Schule im Sozialraum. Entwicklungsprozesse durch Kooperation und Interprofessionalit?t in herausfordernder Lage. Springer.
- Grosse, G., Simon, A., Soemer, A., Sch?nfeld, R., Barth, S., & Linde, N. (2022). Teacher–Child Interaction Quality Fosters Working Memory and Social-Emotional Behavior in Two- and-Three-Year-Old Children. International Journal of Early Childhood. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13158-022-00327-w
- Colle, L., Grosse, G., Behne, T., & Tomasello, M. (2022). Just teasing! - Infants’ and toddlers’ understanding of teasing interactions and its effect on social bonding. Cognition, 105314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2022.105314
- von Steinkeller, A., & Grosse, G. (2022). Children are more social when playing analog games together than digital games. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 100195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chbr.2022.100195
- Birner, C., & Grosse, G. (2021). Systematic Review on the Efficacy of Interventions for Fear of Childbirth, Anxiety and Fear in Pregnant Women. Journal of Pediatrics and Infants, 4(2), 66–90. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-223224/v1
- Grosse, G., Streubel, B., Gunzenhauser, C. et al. Let’s Talk About Emotions: the Development of Children’s Emotion Vocabulary from 4 to 11 Years of Age. Affec Sci (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-021-00040-2
- Streubel, B., Gunzenhauser, C., Grosse, G., & Saalbach, H. (2020). Emotion-specific vocabulary and its contribution to emotion understanding in 4- to 9-year-old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 193, 104790. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104790
- Bürgermeister, A., Gro?e, G., Leuchter, M., Studhalter, U., & Saalbach, H. (2019). Interaktion von p?dagogischen Fachkr?ften und Kindern in naturwissenschaftlichen Lerngelegenheiten im Kindergarten. Frühe Bildung, 8(1), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.1026/2191-9186/a000406
- Hildebrandt, F. & Grosse, G. (2019) Bildung und Interesse - Warum die Interessen der Kinder für das Lernen bedeutsam sind und wie sie aufgegriffen werden k?nnen. Grundschule aktuell, 145.
- Grosse, G. (2018) Emotionsregulation und Sprache. Grundschule aktuell, 144, 12-15
- Schulze, C., Grosse, G., & Spreer, M. (2018). Erwerb pragmatischer F?higkeiten und m?gliche St?rungen (im Kindesalter). In F. Liedtke & A. Tuchen (Eds.), Handbuch Pragmatik (pp. 177–185). doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-04624-6_17
- Luthardt, J., Maué, R., Manske, K., Gro?e, G., Hildebrandt, F. (subm.) Mikroprozesse im Blick - Ans?tze und Erfahrungen aus interdisziplin?rer Praxisforschung zu anregender Interaktion in Kindertagesst?tten. In: Weimann-Sandig (in prep.) Mit und über Kinder(tageseinrichtungen) forschen- Das Forschungsfeld Kita.
- Streubel, B., Gunzenhauser, C., Grosse, G., Saalbach, H. (under revision) Emotion-specific vocabulary and its Contribution to Emotion Understanding in 4-9-Year-Olds [Journal of Experimental Child Psychology]
- Grosse, G., Schulze, C., Tomasello, M., Katsos, N. (under revision) Three-year-old children make some, but not all inferences based on informativeness. [Journal of Experimental Child Psychology]
Lectures and exhibitions
Conference presentations, workshops, seminars
- Grosse, G. (2019). ?ber Emotionen sprechen: Wie unterstützt Sprache die Emotionsregulation? Eingeladener Vortrag. Fachtag MOL: Beziehung durch Sprache gestalten. Umgang mit herausfordernden Situationen im p?dagogischen Kita-Alltag, Strausberg, GER.
- Grosse, G. (2019). ?ber Emotionen sprechen: Wie unterstützt Sprache die Emotionsregulation? Eingeladener Vortrag. Frühp?dagogischer Abend der Universit?t Leipzig, GER.
- Grosse, G. (2019). The mental and cooperative nature of infant communication. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Leipzig, GER.
- Grosse, G., Streubel, B., Gunzenhauser C., Saalbach, H. (2019). Let’s talk about emotions: Breadth and depth of Children’s emotion vocabulary. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Leipzig, GER.
- Grosse, G. (2019). Schule im sozialen Raum. Vortrag. Werkstatt Entfaltungsr?ume: Impulse für die Gestaltung innovativer Lernorte in brandenburgischen Schulen. Potsdam: Universit?t Potsdam
- Grosse, G., Svensson, F., Schulze, C., Saalbach, H., Saji, N., Imai, M. (2019). How do children construct the color lexicon? - A developmental and comparative study of concept formation. Posterpr?sentation. BCCCD – Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, HU.
- Grosse, G. (2018). Vorstellung des kooperativen Masterstudiengangs ?Frühkindliche Bildungsforschung“ der FH Potsdam und Universit?t Potsdam. Vorstellung bei der Tagung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit e.V. (BAG-BEK e.V.). Koblenz: Hochschule
- Grosse, G., Hruska, C. (2018). Impact of education goals and ECEC quality on the judgement of early social-emotional development. Vortrag. EARLI SIG 5 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood Conference with the theme “ECEC 2.0 – Future Challenges for Early Childhood Education and Care”, Berlin: Freie Universit?t Berlin, GER.
- Streubel, B., Grosse, G., Gunzenhauser C., Saalbach, H. (2018). Functions of language in children’s development of emotion regulation. Vortrag. EARLI SIG 5 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood Conference with the theme “ECEC 2.0 – Future Challenges for Early Childhood Education and Care”, Berlin: Freie Universit?t Berlin, GER.
- Bürgermeister, A., Grosse, G., Saalbach, H. (2018). Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Educational Dialogue during Early Science Instruction. Vortrag. EARLI SIG 5 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood Conference with the theme “ECEC 2.0 – Future Challenges for Early Childhood Education and Care”, Berlin: Freie Universit?t Berlin, GER.
- Grosse, G., Hruska, C. (2018). Unterschiede der Erziehungsziele und Betreuungsqualit?ten im Elternhaus und Kindertageseinrichtung beeinflussen die frühkindliche sozial-emotionale Entwicklung. Vortrag. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt: Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt.
- Streubel, B., Grosse, G., Gunzenhauser C., Saalbach, H. (2018) Children’s emotional competence. Part II: Developmental contexts and trajectories of emotion regulation. Vortrag. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt: Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt.
- Grosse, G. (2018). Emotion regulation in peer-groups – a dynamic systems approach. Vortrag. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt: Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt.
- Grosse, G., Hruska, C., Correia, N, Diebold, T., Silkenbeumer, J. (2017). Early childcare settings and their role for children’s development of effectiveness in social interactions. Symposium. ECDP - European Association of Developmental Psychology biennial conference, Utrecht, NL.
- Grosse, G. (2017). Peer interaction quality as part of early child care quality. Posterpr?sentation, K2ID 2017 - ECEC QUALITY – new interdisciplinary perspectives on an old issue, DIW, Berlin, GER.
- Grosse, G., Colle, L., Tomasello, M. (2017). Infants’ understanding of teasing and its effect on a novel social relationship. Posterpr?sentation, BCCCD 2017 – Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, HU.
- Grosse, G., Schulze, C., Saalbach, H., Saji, N., Imai, M. (2017). How do children construct the color lexicon? A developmental and comparative study of concept formation. Posterpr?sentation. LCICD - Lancaster International Conference on Infant and Early Child Development. Lancaster, UK: University.
- Grosse, G., Schulze, C., Katsos, N., Tomasello, M. (2017). Three-year-old children make some, but not all inferences based on informativeness, Vortrag. LCICD - Lancaster International Conference on Infant and Early Child Development. Lancaster, UK: University.
- Grosse, G., Colle, L., Tomasello, M. (2017). Infants‘ understanding of teasing and its effect on a novel social relationship. Posterpr?sentation, Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, Texas, USA.
- Grosse, G. (2017). KAI-Skala. Vortrag, Fachtag: "Nachdenken mit Kindern - Ergebnisse und Ideen zu SUSTAINED SHARED THINKING aus Forschung und Praxis". Berlin: Pestalozzi-Fr?bel-Haus.
- Grosse, G. Schulze, C., Katsos, N., Tomasello, M. (2017). Differences and similarities in children’s acquisition of different implicature types. Format, Education in the Crossroads of Economy and Politics Role of Research in the Advancement of Public Good. 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Tampere, FI: University.
- Streubel, B., Grosse, G., Gunzenhauser C., Saalbach, H. (2017). Emotionen und emotionale Kompetenzen im Kindesalter. Teil I: Methoden der Erfassung. Vortrag. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY). Münster: Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t.
- Grosse, G., Schulze, C., Katsos, N., Tomasello, M. (2017). Three-year-old children make some, but not all inferences based on informativeness. Vortrag, Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische Psychologie (PaePsy2017). Münster: Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t.
- Bürgermeister, A., Grosse, G., Saalbach, H. (2017). Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion im frühen naturwissenschaftlichen Lernen: Der Redeanteil von Kindern in tutoriellen Settings und dessen Effekt auf den Lernerfolg. Vortrag, Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische Psychologie (PaePsy2017). Münster: Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t.
Selected projects
BIKA – Participation in Daycare Everyday Life
BiKA is a joint research project of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Research and Development Institute P?dQUIS?, affiliated institute of the ASH Berlin and cooperating institute of the University of Graz. The study was developed jointly and is carried out under joint responsibility. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
Recording and promoting the interest in natural sciences of 5 - 6-year-old children in the day care centre
The Babyhelfer – Virtual Psychological Counselling for Expecting and New Parents – The Babyhelfer App
The aim of the project "Die Babyhelfer" is to provide virtual psychological counselling to expecting and new parents by means of an app in order to reduce the shortage of care for certain sub-pathological and psychological problems.
INSO – Inclusion in the Social Space
The research project "Inklusion im Sozialraum – Partizipative kinderrechtsbasierte Schulentwicklung durch schüler*innenaktive Forschung" aims to investigate the conditions for success of inclusive schools and to give general recommendations for action.
PINA: Potsdam Research Institute for Early Learning and Educational Action
PINA is an interdisciplinary research network of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam on early childhood education and development.
BeoKiz – Observation and Documentation in Day-Care Centres: Child-Centred and Holistic
"BeoKiz" is a project that we are implementing in cooperation with the Institut für Fortbildung Forschung & Entwicklung e.V. on behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family in the period from August 2020 to December 2022.