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Workshop of the Study Specialisation Wood

Einblick in die Holzwerkstatt: Industires?ge mit Abzug; im Hintergrund Holzreste und Schr?nke
? Katharina Geist

In the workshops specialising in the conservation and restoration of wood, high-quality objects in this material group are researched and historical techniques are tested. In addition to the appropriate hand tools and machines, the workshop has various options for determining the type of wood and documentation.



  • Workshop: LW/Room 209-213

Opening hours

  • by arrangement


Biedermeier-Tisch mit Stützkonstruktion im Vorzustand

Wood | Round Biedermeier Table from the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin

The table with a round tabletop was probably made during the Biedermeier period and, in addition to classical features of the era, also shows Gothic influences.

Strohmarketeriebild der Stadt Schillingsfürst

Wood | The Panorama of the Town of Schillingsfürst in Straw Marquetry

The straw marketer's picture shows a view of the town of Schillingsfürst on the Franconian Heights in the 19th century. The special technique involves assembling coloured pieces of straw into a scenic representation.

Vorzustand der Biedermeier Kommode

Wood | Restoration of a Piece of Biedermeier Furniture from a Private Collection

The object to be restored is a chest of drawers whose exact origin is unknown. It was probably produced in northern Germany. Stylistically, the furniture can be assigned to the Biedermeier period.

Illustration einer Holzwerkstatt mit Cuttermesser, Kreiss?ge, Bands?ge und St?nderbohrer.

Web Based Trainings

As part of the Arbeitsschutz Digital project, digital self-learning courses with explanatory videos on working with typical machines in the wood workshop were created.



Dipl.-Rest. J?rg Weber

Dipl.-Rest. J?rg Weber

Workshop Manager Conservation and Restoration – Wood

Workshop telephone