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Social Management

Management and leadership in social work
Team Sozialmanagement Weiterbildung FH Potsdam

The social management degree programme aims to enable employees of social and educational institutions who already have a first university degree to take on a management and leadership position and to provide them with the necessary means to assume the associated responsibility.

You are not yet sure whether a degree programme suits you or you would like to try out first whether the contents and the lecturers suit you? Then you can take modules individually as further education courses, complete them with a university certificate or a certificate of attendance and, if necessary, have them recognised as credits in the Master's programme at a later date. The prerequisite for recognition is successful participation in the module examination.

06/12/23 Module 6
Free places
Further Education Modules
University certificate

Two years of work experience

I already had very good experiences with the supervision and working methods at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam during my studies. The mixture of self-learning and guidance in this part-time programme suited me very well. With this further education, I qualify for a management position in my company.

Stefan Schliewe, graduate of the master's programme in social management
November 2022


The module provides a systematic overview of scientific foundations, concepts and discourse perspectives on leadership and human resource management in social institutions.

Unit 1 – Opening, understanding and concepts of leadership.

Unit 2 – Staff needs analysis

Unit 3 – Staff development and retention

Unit 4 – Volunteering and volunteer management

The module provides a systematic overview of scientific foundations, concepts and discourse perspectives of organisational development from concept development to marketing and financial planning in social institutions.

Unit 1 – Concept development

Unit 2 – Organisational development

Unit 3 – Marketing/Public Relations

Unit 4 – Financial planning

The module deals with basic questions of social policy and social management with regard to the specifics of social work. It poses the question to what extent social management can contribute to an impact-oriented social work or whether this is not rather a myth of rationality?

Unit 1 – Social science and sociological perspectives

Unit 2 – Economic and political economic perspectives (of social work and social management)

The module deepens the view of instruments and specifics of personnel development in social institutions. The motivation to take up a social profession and a leadership role is discussed, and one's own leadership style is reflected upon. Concrete leadership situations are dealt with. The conduct of conversations in the context of staff appraisals and in negotiations plays an important role.

Unit 1 – Staff development and retention

Unit 2 – Understanding leadership

Unit 3 – Strategic management

Unit 4 – Negotiation training

Health management as well as gender and diversity management are no longer justified normatively (or morally) in modern human resource management, but also economically. The module deals with the background, goals, instruments and effects of these concepts of modern leadership.

Unit 1 – Healthy leadership and management

Unit 2 – Diversity management

Unit 3 – Gender-equitable leadership and management, practical research project – discussion

Organisational development is usually accompanied by change processes that give rise to resistance and conflicts. The module deals with these dynamics and provides tools for recognising and managing conflicts.

Unit 1 – Change processes and dealing with resistance

Knowledge and understanding of financial policy and controlling instruments are prerequisites for successful management. The module teaches the essential tools and their possible applications in the context of managing social institutions.

Unit 2 – Financial policy

Unit 3 – Controlling

In addition to social legislation, the legal areas of "non-profit status" and "labour law" play a special role for institutions and organisations in the field of education and social work. The module deals with the current legal situation and its application using practical examples.

Unit 1 – Non-profit law

Unit 2 – Labour law

Dates & Schedule

Seminar times
9.30 am – 5.00 pm


  Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Module 1 19 – 20/04/2024 24 – 25/05/2024 15 – 15/06/2024 12 – 13/07/2024
Module 2 20 – 21/09/2024 11 – 12/10/2024 21/10 – 25/11/2024 (6 x mondays 7.00 – 9.00 pm) 13 – 14/12/2024
Module 3 January 2025 February 2025    
Module 4 N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N.
Module 5 N.N. N.N. N.N.  
Module 6 N.N.      
Module 7   26 – 27/01/2024 23 – 24/02/2024  
Module 8 12 – 13/04/2024 24 – 25/05/2024    

Registration & Information

ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10
Stephanie Teichler
Coordination ZEW & Project Recognition and Crediting