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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

Organisational unit
Degree programme
    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "PaSyMo"

    PaSyMo: Participatory System Modelling as a Tool for Integrated Urban Development

    With PaSyMo, the Institute for Applied Research Urban Future develops digital tools for urban planning and participation processes.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Webportal Archivführer deutsche Kolonialgeschichte"

    Web Portal Archive Guide to German Colonial History

    On 1 July 2017, a research project on German colonial history was launched in cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office. The aim was to set up a web-based online portal on the topic, which would, among other things, enable the recording of the file situation in the successor states of former German colonies. The project was carried out in collaboration with the project management team by…

    Tausende von Münzen bilden verschieden gro?e Haufen, die entlang von Material und Herkunft arrangiert sind

    COINS: Visualisation of a Numismatic Collection

    In this project, we explore the potential of dynamic arrangements of a comprehensive coin collection based on different facets such as origin, material type, period, weight and size. The resulting layouts push the boundary between the physical display of coins and the representation of abstract data patterns that characterise the collection.

    Ansicht des Reliefs von Christus in der Kelter des Steinernen Albums in Gro?jena.

    Stone | Stone Record in Gro?jena

    Care and conservation of anthropogenically damaged and already restored natural stone objects against the special background of their integration into surrounding moisture and salt transport processes using the example of the Steinernen Album in Gro?jena

    Beispiel-Folie aus Vortrag: grober Modul-Entwurf und Planung der Geb?udesysteme

    Intensified Density – Small-Scale Redensification Using Modular Construction Methods

    The Intensified Density project investigates whether densification of the suburbs / intermediate cities offers a sustainable solution compared to single-family housing developments and new large-scale projects.

    Drei stilisierte Personen

    Preliminary Study: Unaccompanied Underaged Refugees in Brandenburg

    Preliminary study "Evaluation der Unterbringungssituation unbegleiteter minderj?hriger Geflüchteter im Land Brandenburg"

    Foto von Hochhaus

    MeGeWoPo: Multi-generational living in the "Platte"

    Community and intergenerational transfer for a self-determined lifestyle in old age

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts EQUIP

    EQUIP – Development of Quality and Interaction in Pedagogical Everyday Life

    A cooperative practice research programme by University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam on quality development in early education

    HaS – Humanities at Scale

    Development and expansion of Digital Humanities relevant tools, services, as well as training, education and pooling of scientific and technological DH expertise at EU level.

    PARTHENOS – Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage, E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies

    PARTHENOS stands for "Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies." The name is inspired by Athena Parthenos, the Greek goddess of wisdom, inspiration and civilization.

    Ausgedruckte Bilder auf Papier auf einem Tisch. Eine Hand bl?ttert durch einen Stapel.

    VIKUS: Visualisation of Cultural Collections

    As part of the Visualisation of Cultural Collections project, graphical user interfaces for the interactive viewing of cultural objects are being researched. In co-operation with an innovative company in the field of media databases and a cultural institution with historically significant collections, scenarios and techniques for the visual exploration of cultural collections are being developed.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Dokumentation + Evaluation zum Pool zur F?rderung innovativer Fu?ball- und Fankultur"


    D+E?PFiFF is the accompanying research project to the funding programme PFiFF (Pool zur F?rderung innovativer Fu?ball- und Fankultur) of the German Football League (DFL).