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IGiQ – Infrastructures of the Common in Community-Oriented Neighbourhood Development

Investigation of the potentials and implementation barriers for the realisation of "Infrastrukturen des Gemeinsamen".

Gemeinschaftsraum im Neubauquartier ?WagnisART“
Gemeinschaftsraum im Neubauquartier ?WagnisART“ der Genossenschaft wagnis eG, München; Foto: Friedrich May (2018)
Research project
Digital Transformation – Urban Futures
Forming Society
Design ? Build ? Preserve
Cooperation partners:
  • Prof. Dr. Torsten B?lting,EBZ Business School, Bochum
  • Dr. rer. pol. André Ortiz, EBZ Business School, Bochum and Institut InWIS Forschung & Beratung GmbH
Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction

Many new urban districts are characterised by shared infrastructures. These "Infrastrukturen des Gemeinsamen" are structural, spatial, technical and social structures that are used jointly and thus increase the quality of use of new urban districts (BBSR 2018, 2019). The added value of such infrastructures lies in the saving of resources, in the strengthening of neighbourly coexistence or also in the enabling of new sources of income. They thus contribute to a community-oriented, sustainable and resilient neighbourhood development.

In addition to community-oriented people in the housing industry such as cooperatives, private and municipal companies are also committed to developing infrastructures of the common in the neighbourhood. For many housing companies, however, it remains unclear which infrastructures make sense and can be financed in which context.

The research project examines the potentials and implementation obstacles for the realisation of these infrastructures. Building on an inventory of these infrastructures in German urban neighbourhoods that have been built since 2010, the added value of shared infrastructures in cost-benefit terms for housing companies will be determined on the basis of 4-6 case studies with a focus on the role of private actors.

The comparative study of community- and public welfare-oriented as well as investor-supported housing companies will show which motives are decisive for planning and realisation, how costs and benefits are determined, which factors influence the decision for shared infrastructures and which financing strategies prove successful. As a result, a systematic processing of the research results should offer practice-relevant orientation and action knowledge for project developers, municipalities and urban development funding for the economic implementation of new infrastructures of the common in the neighbourhood.


BBSR (ed.) (2018): Common good. Consequences for planning? Information on spatial development, Issue 5. Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Bonn.

BBSR (ed.) (2019): Public good housing policy. Foundations and other public interest actors: fields of action, potentials and good examples. Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Bonn

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Project management

Research professor for resource-optimised and climate-adapted construction
Head of Urban Future (M. A.)



Other participants