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CMI.BA – Center for Metropolitan Innovation in Bratislava

Model project of an ecologically and socially sustainable building modernization of the Nová Cvernovka Foundation in Bratislava, Slovakia

Centrum für Metropolinnovation in Bratislava
Research project
Digital Transformation – Urban Futures
Design ? Build ? Preserve
Cooperation partners:
  • Cvernovka Foundation
  • Passive House Institute Slovakia
  • Institute for Creative Sustainability
  • id22: Project Space
German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU)

The task of the research project is to develop a concept for an architecturally, socio-ecologically and energy-technically sustainable conversion of a former residential home in Bratislava into a socio-cultural center. The building complex is part of a former chemical technical secondary school from the 1950s and was leased by the Cvernovka Foundation from the Bratislava Self-Governing Region for an initial period of use of 25 years. On a total floor area of approximately 6,500 m?, the first plus-energy building in Slovakia is to be realized in a mixture of affordable and communal forms of housing (co-housing), work spaces (offices for NGOs) and public functions.

The research project comprises four fields of action, which are being worked on with partners from Slovakia and Germany:

  1. Ecological overall concept and integral planning (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam)
  2. Plusenergiehausstandard (Passive House Institute Slovakia, iEPD)
  3. Co-Housing and Participation (id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability)
  4. Education and communication (Cvernovka Foundation)

In the project, innovative approaches to social use, participatory planning and ecological rehabilitation will be identified and tested together with the partners* for their feasibility of implementation in the Slovak context. Due to the representative building typology and the special innovative character for the conversion of use, this project has a great transfer potential for similar projects in Slovakia and other European countries.

The results will be documented on a website.

Logo Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)

Project Management

Research professor for resource-optimised and climate-adapted construction
Head of Urban Future (M. A.)



Research assistant

  • Dr. phil. Dipl.-Ing. Jens Manuel Lutz
  • Marlene Hildebrandt, M. A.

Other parties involved

  • Chantal Sch?pp (research assistant)
  • Martin ?ichman (Bratislava)
  • Nadácia Cvernovka (Cvernovka Foundation)
  • Ing. ?ubica ?imkovicová (Passive House Institute Slovakia (iEPD))
  • Dr. Michael A. LaFond (id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability)