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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

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    Der Aufsteller mit der Ausstellungsbeschreibung von Circular Design Standard steht vor dem FHP Mobil in dem die Ausstellung stattfindet
    Research & Transfer Institute for Applied Research Urban Futures Design


    Circular Design Standard and DIN showed the Joint Results in the FHP Mobile

    Circular design, standardisation and teaching belong together! How can we promote sustainable product development and ensure that future experts are well prepared for it? For example, with projects and collaborations that bring standards and teaching together. As part of their design studies…

    Prof. Constanze Langer aus dem Studiengang Interface Design erkl?rt einem interessierten Besucher das Interface Design Studium an der Fachhochschule Potsdam
    Research & Transfer


    Review of the Potsdam Day of Science 2024

    On the 4th of May 2024, the Potsdam Science Day took place on the Telegrafenberg in the Albert Einstein Science Park. Over 30 universities, schools and research institutions from Brandenburg presented their work.

    Eine Besucherin in Bad Belzig schreibt mit einem Kreidestift eine Wahlforderung an die Scheibe des FHP Mobils
    Research & Transfer Institute for Applied Research Urban Futures


    InNoWest and FHP Mobil at Local Events in Brandenburg

    Elections will be held in the municipalities of the state of Brandenburg on the 9th of June. In the run-up to the elections, the working group of independent welfare organisations in Potsdam and Potsdam-Mittelmark has organised a series of local events under the motto "Together for social justice"…

    Gruppenbild des Transferbeirats von InNoWest
    Research & Transfer

    Press release

    Experts in critical dialogue: 1st InNoWest transfer advisory board meeting

    The transfer advisory board of the InNoWest joint project began its work with a constituent meeting on 2 May 2024 at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. With this cross-university committee, the three partner universities from Eberswalde, Potsdam and Brandenburg an der Havel are not only…

    Illustration für den Ideenwettbewerb InNoWest, Gehirn dargestellt als Apfel mit Ideen als Früchteit
    Research & Transfer

    Press release

    InNoWest: Ideas for sustainable digitisation projects wanted!

    The research and innovation project "InNoWest - Simply do it! Sustainable and digital together in North and West Brandenburg" is looking for project ideas in the field of sustainable digitalisation. Selected proposals will then be implemented. The competition is aimed at local authorities, civil…

    Potr?t von Mitgründer Lucas Delliponti von Kessel&Kelle
    Start-up bob体育平台官网


    Brewing Beer and a Business plan? In Dialogue with Kessel&Kelle

    What is it actually like when you manage to turn your hobby into a career – ultimate fulfilment or ultimately just a means to an end? Co-founder of Potsdam's best-known craft beer brewery, Lucas Delliponti, talks about his experiences in the Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg podcast.

    Filmdrehsituation: Filmemacher erkl?rt Achim Trautvetter die Drehszene
    Start-up bob体育平台官网


    Founding portrait of Achim Trautvetter: freiLand for Potsdam

    The degree programme Arts Management and Cultural Work, which is unique in Germany, offers a sound education not only in the field of culture and media, but also teaches the basics of business administration and management skills. These are ideal conditions for working successfully as an independent…

    Collage aus dem FHP Mobil in Schwarzwei? und Gründerin Carolin Zeyher als farbiges Portr?tfoto
    Start-up bob体育平台官网 Research & Transfer


    Beautiful Views: Frau Caze's Creations in the FHP Mobile

    A new exhibition is moving into the FHP Mobil and can be visited from 22/01/24. The founder will be there on the occasion of the Department of Design's Info Day and will have her key pieces with her.

    Publikum vor Bühne beim 1. Brandenburger Science Slam in der Pr?senzstelle Luckenwalde 2021
    Research & Transfer Social and Educational Sciences CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Civil Engineering Design Information Sciences


    Science Slammers Wanted!

    The Brandenburg Science Slam enters its 3rd round in spring. (Young) scientists are invited to present their research topics and results to the audience in ten minutes.

    Portr?tfoto Uwe Hanf in Sepia mit Beschreibung seiner Person und Rolle an der FHP
    Start-up bob体育平台官网 CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE


    Culture as a Business – in Conversation with Uwe Hanf

    In the podcast Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg, Uwe Hanf, lecturer and luminary in the cultural work programme, meets cultural manager Doreen L?we and talks to her about image, idealism and the compatibility with a living wage.

    Die Fernweiterbildung Archiv pr?sentiert vier berufsbegleitende sowie berufsqualifizierende Weiterbildungsangebote für angehende Archivare und Archivarinnen auf der ARCHVISTICA 2023 in Bielefeld
    Research & Transfer Further Education


    The Distance Learning Programme Archive and DDM presented themselves at ARCHIVISTICA and the German Archive Day in Bielefeld

    Over 100 table discussions and consultations were held over the three days, which led to follow-up enquiries from the specialist community within a very short space of time.

    Innenansicht der Halle der Pr?senzstelle Luckenwalde; im Vordergrund Sitzm?glichkeiten; links im Bild Co-Working-Space
    Research & Transfer

    Press release

    University Office Luckenwalde from Brandenburg is in the Final of the "Digital Landmarks in the Land of Ideas" Competition 2023

    The Luckenwalde office, sponsored by the universities TH Wildau and FH Potsdam and in cooperation with the city of Luckenwalde, is one of 15 finalists in this year's "Digital Places in the Land of Ideas" competition. The nationwide innovation competition honours outstanding digital solutions for…