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Press release

BLHP: Statement on the Events in Israel

President's Council
University policy
Logo of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents
Logo of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents

We are deeply saddened by Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israel and we expressly condemn them. We join the calls for dialogue between the parties to the conflict, for a rapid peace settlement and, in particular, for the protection of human lives. This latest conflict emphasises the urgency of finding ways to ensure long-lasting peace and stability in the region.

Our thoughts are with all those affected by this violence. Many of our universities have long-standing partnerships with Israeli universities and we mourn with all universities and all those affected by the conflict. We sincerely hope for a future in which peace and stability can be achieved for all in the region.
We hope that the international community and all parties involved will do everything in their power to calm the situation and find a way to achieve lasting reconciliation and coexistence.

Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, Chairwoman of the BLHP, explains on behalf of Brandenburg's university leaders: "Our universities see themselves not only as places of knowledge and academic research, but also as platforms for dialogue and the dissemination of values that are crucial for the promotion of peace and tolerance. We are aware of our responsibility to provide young people with a comprehensive education based not only on expertise, but also on social responsibility and global solidarity. We believe that education and research can lay the foundations for understanding the deep-rooted causes of conflicts and developing sustainable solutions."

The Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents (BLHP) is an association of the ten state universities in the state of Brandenburg. It promotes cooperation between the universities in the field of education and science and deals with overarching higher education policy issues.

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