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Basic Knowledge of Social Media Marketing

The two-part workshop with professional Denise Gebauer teaches the basics of social media and how to use it for your own business in a target group-oriented way.

Both dates build on each other and should not be attended individually.

Part 1 (2 h)

Participants learn general facts such as algorithms and social SEO, familiarise themselves with all relevant social media platforms and receive important tips on the use of keywords and niche placements. The workshop concludes with a practical homework assignment that will be evaluated in the follow-up workshop.

Part 2 (3 h)

The second part with the content expert focuses on legally relevant labelling when using music and advertising, explains social media strategies for good content creation and introduces the Professional Dashboard analysis tool on Instagram.

The event is a free offer from 360° ZUKUNFT as part of the GründungsWerkstatt and is aimed at all university members. The workshop will take place online via Zoom, the link will be sent out after successful registration in good time before the start of the event. Registration via e-mail to:

Target audience: University members

05/11/2024, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm

Social Media Marketing Basics / Part 1

Location: Online

14/11/2024, 10.00 am – 1.00 pm

Social Media Marketing Basics / Part 2

Location: Online


ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01